I think if a psychiatrist signed it was true that your parents fucked you up above and beyond reason, you should be able to sue them for the cost of treatment

You find out who the owner is and go after them. Tenants can be evicted for this behavior, depending on local laws.

100% BULLSHIT, made up video it NEVER happens like this, just clout chasing

Twinkie Team 6 from the Jelly Roll Battalion

If it was the drivers fault, someone at the HSR should have taken her info. An offer to settle will come quickly.

Don't worry Donny! Can't dick you thru a diaper!!

Musk should have to plant ten million trees for each take-off of this monster

I would love it if I was waiting for a take out order or something and it was delivered to me by a good boy!

Yup, about five minutes after Elvis fell off the toilet...

After asked to loan some cash to my sister-in-law, my mother-in-law responded, "Did I tell you about my money tree? It fuckin DIED!"

Laughed for days...

This beat Grampa's going to school was uphill both ways stories!

OOmpa loompa doopity doo, I hope he's found guilty, how about you?

Too much input. We were chattering primates in trees just a little bit ago. Our brains are being overwhelmed by ideas that should force more evolution but that's gonna take time and we are all still operating on this old model.

There's nothing to fix, just slow down a touch, go outside A LOT, feel grass, see nature, exercise, you're normal

People didn't realize that they, at a very young age but somehow legally binding, were being preyed upon by a corrupt and ruthless class of loan companies. When you see how much all of these people have already paid back, it is fair they be forgiven. It's like a 17 year old being dumped into a 25 year mortgage, or a car loan that just never gets paid off.

Guilloutine Opourator

I suggest you re-read your comment seeing how you want to SEPARATE the definition from Canadian to Quebecois and don't want to include the country Quebec is in and wonder why and where the division lies?

You get what you give

Oh ya but little fuck eyed PP can call our first peoples "Tar babies" in the house and NOTHING???

SELECTIVE OUTRAGE exposes your hypocrisy

Not holding everyone to the same standards because he's 'your guy' is ridiculous, Trudeau's gaffe was ignorance and Poillievre's was open malice, willful ignorance won't change facts