r/cummingonfigurines lol. The comments are like good job dude, it's flipping hilarious.

I recently learned there is a subreddit for that, I was losing my mind laughing at the comments.

Edit: r/cummingonfigurines

It's super satisfying, I also really like neurotoxin rounds on the auto cannon, it has great ammo economy.

Bile titans can poke you to death with their feet spikey things when in the pelican.

Pretty sure they know that, just going for the morbidly uplifting news.

I kinda feel she exemplifies Sam's point on how comedy changes. Like call me out if I am wrong on this but I always thought her schtick was " angry women" that might have been ground breaking in the 70s where women were allowed to be angry but now women can be angry so an entire persona on that kinda falls flat. I might just be remembering some of her more egregious calls.

Elden Ring follows the YouTube logic (or maybe vice versa) any engagement is good engagement.

It's hard to convey tone through text I understand what you were going for but I interpreted it as dismissive. Hope you have a nice day too.

Lol why are you mad at me? So what if it happened to your ancestors? "Welcome to the world, this has been going on since the dawn of man"... See my point (or is it your point)?

If an African American said "Welcome to the world, this has been going on since the dawn of man" in response to someone talking about slavery I would respond in the same way.

It would be ironic if whenever anything bad happens to you or your loved ones the only words of comfort or empathy offered are "Welcome to the world, this has been going on since the dawn of man"

If some said "Welcome to the world, this has been going on since the dawn of man" in response to what happened with Brock Allen Turner (rapist) how would you interpret that message?

I wish we got a spin off with them or a similar show with similar characters as the lead. Although there is an official doujin so that's nice, and thankfully it's just him and her.

I am open to seeing the alternative cut but this one was great.

For an even deeper layer of how undescribable evil this is. Think of all the people that needed to use those canes due to previous injuries from the I"D"F only for them to be used as funny props by the IDF.

Give us some cool space rig customization or something for greybeards to spend their resources on, let us order beer in the mission for example a resupply keg drills down and serves 4 beers. Let us use the excess perk points somehow. And maybe a training asteroid we could go to that would act as the target range and we could spawn enemies.