Maybe, if they were made of something other than bagel dough, which I suspect comes in 20kg bags from Home Depot, aisle six, Building Materials.

But they aren't.

I think it probably stems from some forgotten childhood experience of my first time meeting an oatmeal raisin cookie, where I was only familiar with beautiful wonderful delicious chocolate chip cookies, and then bit into this compacted disc of compressed construction site debris sprinkled with - what are these? Dehydrated snails? Little globs of silicone? Soaked in grape juice so that they can claim to have flavour?

After that kind of cruel hoax -

People have pointed out that bagels came first, and that it is actually doughnuts that are the evil imposter. This is a moral dilemma I am striving to resolve. Wish me luck.

Thank you for your concern. You could always send me doughnuts for research purposes.

Considering you burn in fiery hell for eternity if you don't worship him, kinda sounds more like a really bad abusive relationship

Partassipant [4]

YTA if you actually want to be a musician - you don't bail on a gig.

You can quit after.

And don't get me started on zucchini, pretending to be cucumbers

Bagels. Pretending to be doughnuts. Dirty lying tasteless choking toroids of evil.

Try adding the D on the third fret of the B string using the third finger and use the pinky for the G on the high E string

Or for the third, have a long list of things to bless, without having to describe each blessing, just that the priest eventually finishes and then learns why he was asked. That gives the option of going full Ronnie Corbett chair joke if you want.

Trust us - we see the the woman that all other women would want to look like

Yup! Plus, when in doubt, all the open strings are in the scale, so less worry if you hit an open string by mistake

Practice slow first - use a metronome, and bring up the tempo slowly.

You can also try playing as fast as you can, without worrying that much about the sound of individual notes but rather the part as a whole. You might also find the faster you make mistakes at hitting the correct note, the more interesting wrong notes you will discover, and the more interesting sounds you will get.

And then practice slow again -

Have fun above all!

Try forming triad shapes on the fretboard, practice switching between them, hearing how they sound together and in sequence, and then try figuring out what you are playing using music theory.

For single note leads, practicing sliding up and down the neck to get to different positions is also helpful.

Yup. All the bad stuff falls away, all the good stuff you earned from practising stays, and it's fun again.

Also, since the guitar body is thicker on an acoustic, your right hand position is slightly different than on the electric.

There are free online metronomes as well that are useful