Don’t you mean MAPs? Just kidding. Fuck pedos. Wait. I mean. Pedos suck. Wait damnit.

Also you ain’t buying a house like that in California. How about New York City? In fact most cities. This meme seems pretty old actually.

Not 100 but like 80-90. I’ve met a few guys un-chill. But I just think they are acting like a woman. I’ve had a couple times I’ve asked for a manager. 😂

No. There are clearly ways to still prosecute but your chances are very slim.

Even though I don’t agree with hk people being upset being called Chinese, I do understand them and anyone attacking them like you are is either a sad ccp shill or even more sad mainlander against hk. Most hk people are good people and the English government before was very very free. The hk peoples right are quickly being taken away. So instead of attacking them you should be sympathetic like the Uyghurs.

There is a difference between lies and things they aren’t ready for yet. Also there are playful jokes for kids that are very young. Like Santa. My mom never said for sure he was real but just a maybe. Always maybe. And she would have a gift or 2 with Santa’s name on it.

*British accent. Wot ya fi-in to do, mate?

Calm down. It’s a joke. And there are many English accents. British is an easy way not to confuse people. Stop acting so pompous. I speak English and have an English accent even though I’m not from England.

I don’t understand though. Rmb is worth much less to the dollar than before Covid.

Yeah. I don’t think people need to count downvotes but just posts and comments. But it might bace to do with bots.

Wait. Why did I never think of this before?

Also, they could add some new mechanics. They really should look at DRG.

My Chinese gf cooks every day. On rare occasions she wants to try American food and I kinda feel like this guy even though I won’t be so vocal. If I really don’t like it I just won’t eat and go out to eat. Even though if she caught me she would probably stop me and be like, fine! Sit down. I’ll cook some dumplings. Give me 5 min.

I just laugh when someone uses the word incel. Like even if it was true, good for them. And if someone calls me an incel, I’m like, ok, I’ll let my gf know. But honestly, girls are just trying to be fucked up. If they are an incel, you’re a big 304. Rather be an incel.

Yeah. I think you’re being deceived. More like a kids book teaching how to give a blow job.

This is why I want free speech. So you can see who the crazies are.

Conservatives saw this from the beginning. It’s sad that the left suddenly sees this after the debate and weird how the media clearly showed Biden the whole time. Especially him walking down the stairs at the end. The left is up to something.

Ended? I don’t believe that for a second. Tomorrow is another day for another lie.