First he says he "doesn't know anything about it". Two sentences later he "disagrees with some of the things they're saying."

As usual he is lying about something.

It's based on a survey that tracks total number of respondents that say they currently have it. It doesn't track individual people.

If we're including the Bible there is far worse than Abraham. There is the soldier Jephthah who promises he will sacrifice the first thing he sees after the war if only Jehovah grants him victory. He is a single father and rides home after the war where he is greeted by his daughter and so he burns her alive.

Just to kvetch - can we please stop calling every old person a baby boomer? Biden was born in 1942 which predates the baby boom. Trump was born in 1946 which makes him a very early boomer but on the cusp of the silent generation.

Definitely not. Stalin was a detail oriented workaholic realist. Trump is a lazy, crazy, and narcissistic Hitler.

NYT also ran op-eds calling to use the military to suppress dissent in blue cities so I am not sure I can agree with your assessment of the NYT.

King told the story many times, but before the internet I saw an interview on TV where he describes meeting a very young Johnny Winter. Winter was 17 and asks if he could sit in at some club.

King tells the interviewer that he absolutely never let anyone sit in, but it's an all black club and Winter is the only white person in the entire club. There were some people there that knew Winter, or at least by reputation and so he decided to let Winter play because he didn't want it to seem like it was racial.

If this is the debate, what is even the point? Why watch it at all? In fact viewership was about 51 million vs 73 million in 2020 and 81 million in 2016.

I think this tells you a lot about the state of American journalism. If this is where it is going, it maybe isn't worth having presidential debates at all.

When the plans are exposed people materialize and do their usual thing, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. But when on their own safe space social media it is entirely different and they will talk about usurping law and any norms.

For instance here is a short clip of the president of the Heritage Foundation telling ex Trump admin ideologue Sebastian Gorka "there are aspects of Project 2025 that are not public" 

This sort of blatant lying might work on low information Facebook dummies but people in this sub are not ignorant of what is going on despit the whiners in this thread.

I would be very happy if devs simply labeled limited time demos. In the past I would grab a dozen or so and work through them over a few weeks. Invariably some are unplayabe by the time I get around to them.

I understand for some devs, they are looking to get feedback, bug reports, or just develop some buzz. I get it, but if I can't play it, I may not buy the game.

I read Hiroshima over the course of a day or two on my summer vacation between sixth and seventh grade. It was a small book with a weird pebbly plastic cover and the only word on it was Hiroshima written on the spine with a wax pen. It was shocking and disturbing and I never want to read it again but it certainly changed my mind about how the world was.

I do not think Russia had any pre war plan for the T-62 series

I don't believe this is a good assumption - the T62s were in active service during the war in Chechnya. They had a large number of relatively new T-62s which were decommissioned after the treaty limiting tank forces in Europe (ie west of the Ural mountains.)

Look at the cat with its wee little helmet!

You weren't kidding that he was smaller in the original photo you posted.

I enjoyed it but I think it has the same problem as Alexis Kennedy's game Sunless Sea. They're both roguelike games where you lose everything when it ends, but the main draw is actually the stories. So play it long enough and the gameplay loses its luster and you either have a choice of pushing through or putting it down.

I put it down in the transition from the midgame to the endgame. For people that haven't played it, you need resources which can be very intangible like "visions of another world" (I am making that up). But these resources expire, and need to be combined with others. When I say expire, some may only last a few seconds. At that stage of the game understanding the time to play certain cards is very important, but the cards themselves never describe the mechanics. Either you write them down or internalize them.

When I got to that point, it stopped being something I wanted to continue. I can't engage with a game like that on a weekend, put it aside for a week and come back. I can't remember all that stuff. It's not like this is unsolvable, just add the mechanics to the card once you've encountered it, either permanently or within the current run. It's unfortunate as there are a lot of cool things in the game but feels like the design is intentionally niche.

I'm not sure whether Geforce Now is available in those countries. But if it is, people could buy games on Steam or other stores and stream them to console or phone that way.

I think it is more of a case where China gives them aid so that Kim doesn't stir the pot and so that useless starving refugees sneak across the border into China.

China extracts some concessions but when it is unhappy with SK or Japan or the US it lets NK do its belligerent stuff. Also NK has allies especially in the Chinese military, so as with US and Israel, sometimes the dog wags its tail, and sometimes the tail wags the dog.

Probably Kim sees an opportunity to improve his leverage with his current girl by going on some dates with a new one.

Unlike most surveillance there is no money to be made following up off leash dogs.

Yeah, basically. I think there are a lot of half baked ideas from opportunistic republicans to become Trump's new darling and they are all trying to outdo each other, but I wouldn't bet against them being attempted if Trump wins.

Same could be said about Germany and actually was. And lots of complacent German voters shrugged and believed nothing really bad would happen. Look how that story ended for everyone, even the merely complacent.

If you ask me knowing what I know now, I would fully support the Afghanistan invasion. It was the end of Osama bin Laden personally, and the end of Al Qaeda generally. I would call it a strategic victory for the US.

I thought at the time that Obama should declare victory and leave after bin Laden's death, but I guess that was politically too difficult.

Even Vietnam lost its importance in the wake of the schism between China and the USSR.