Tried in and out once thought it was overpriced and overrated. I don't know why they're such a big lineup for basically hamburger and fries and not particularly great ones either. It was so basic.

"Scott Rodrick, who owns 18 McDonald’s in Northern California, recently told CNBC it’s been “quite a rollercoaster” since the new minimum wage went into effect on April 1. “The impact of this inflation on the customer is the most clear and present concern I have as a franchisee today,” he said. “It has impacted margins."

I'm not feeling sorry for somebody who owns 18 franchises.

"Scott Rodrick, who owns 18 McDonald’s in Northern California, recently told CNBC it’s been “quite a rollercoaster” since the new minimum wage went into effect on April 1. “The impact of this inflation on the customer is the most clear and present concern I have as a franchisee today,” he said. “It has impacted margins."

I'm not feeling sorry for somebody who owns 18 franchises.

I thought the fourth picture was another growth and then I realized it was the cat's head. 🤔

That place was so overrated and I couldn't believe how busy it was.

It's a confusing feeling to look at it due to the grain and the newness of the images.

Where did you even have it developed?

That's the pattern pretty much at all the Costco.

It's good advertising for him. I didn't even know who the guy was.

Bigger sub, better rear speakers with up, side and front. 930 doesn't have sides.

I was in your boat. I decided to spend extra money because over 5-10 years it's not really a big deal and it does sound better to me.

I thought I was in r/awww for a second.

Great stuff. Congrats.

11k is worth the gamble for a couple years and hoping for the best.

Thanks for the report. Sounds like you had a great trip.

Can you tell me how you booked your flights from Toronto. Did you just Google flight search or did you specifically search for AA Chicago then JAL to Haneda ?

It's a million dollar home in Toronto / GTA.

YTA. You're taking out your frustration on your friend who adhered to your wishes. At no point did you mention that kids were allowed to go to the wedding even when you had the open seats. That aside, the people you should be upset at are the people who didn't show up when they were supposed to show up.

You both should probably apologize to the friend. You and your husband were in the wrong period. It's only a straight apology and nothing else.

Just be glad that you're dodging the bullet now and not later. Considered the lost ring the cost of doing business.

Her attitude is hilarious and it's all about her.

That opener is 100% wrong. Clear nowhere near being the most advanced autonomous driving system on any car.

Your MIL will get 2k in redhead pension and another 2k from CPP so she'll be fine.

Tell yourself nobody has a crystal ball.

I profited from gme but I "lost" 50k in potential gains from it because I didn't have proper exit plan. It's a great story to tell my friends.

Green is green.