Smelliest flight in the history of air travel

Absolutely worth more than $10

Doesn’t look like anything significance to me that I can recognize


Yes me and my coworker do the “WOAH WOAH WOAH woah woah wOAh” from when they walk in on Desmond

Why would you do this to a >100 year old thing if it was in decent shape. Why not do it to the ones that’re covered in decades of sand with a shot out or rusted out barrel and cracked stock?

Basic Israeli civilian model. Very common

Yeah I already found the website. I just don’t know what document they’re referencing to ON the website

What are these page numbers to? Anyone? I want to know what it’s referencing if I’m going to spread this

This was done in Yugoslavia to the Mannlicher M95s, I think just the M95/30s in small numbers. I’ve only seen a few photos of them

In retaliation we need to put Landry’s face on as much gay porn as possible

Climate denying clowns like her who simp for industries that’re destroyed our planet need to be fired into fucking space. I’m sick of sharing air with these dumbasses too blind to believe what has been an obviously-occurring phenomenon for the past 150 years.

Super jail was so trippy and I don’t think I truly appreciated it at the time it was on air. I just thought it was weird but upon rewatching it, it’s definitely very weird but also hilarious

Unfortunately it already happened, with Reagan 🤢 and we all saw how horrible that was (failed drug war, forced crack epidemic, end of the psych hospitals, defunded the EPA, etc)

Well the cars are often stolen, that’s why they crash them a bunch on purpose and usually torch them at the end (as seen here) so I doubt they’re paying the lot fees on a car they stole lol