Thank you! I'll definitely get a silky saw!

Yes I did. I'm not talking about whole wooden houses made of logs, just structures based on tripods, already fallen small trees I can chop and still standing trees.

Yes!! Definitely. The trailer shows perfectly what activities I do when I go out camping... So I'm more confident choosing for the Dvardala one. The only negative points of it consist in the heavier head and length of the tool that, despite all the efficiency, could become hard to carry on a belt. What do you think? I know that I can attach it to my backpack, but when I go around the woods I prefer to rely only on my duty belt, without extras on my back.

Thank you! I'll consider adding a saw too!

Thank you very much for the advices!! Do you think the different shape of the head can be a game changer too? I've worked only with canadian axes before.

Just trimming and splitting already fallen ones, where I live I do not have the permission required to fell trees.

For what I've read, those hatchets are highly priced because of the procedure used to crafts them and because the heads are all hand made... I'm not a blacksmith but I imagine the whole activity can be really expensive in terms of manpower, materials and international shipping... I confess that this time I wanted to gift myself with a tool that wasn't just functional.

One 1150 grams and the other 800, the winner is already set... I was conflicted mostly because of the shape of the head.

Hultafors hatchets: Dvardala or Hultan?Gear Recommendation Wanted

Hi everyone! I was wondering what could be the best hatchet to bring with me during hikes/camps, that could help me easily with all the activities that needs to be done in a mountain scenario (chopping fire wood, create tools, build structures...) and that could also be brought around attached to my belt without being too much of a trouble to carry. I bumped in the hultafors brand and I'm impressed by the manifacture's quality, as well as I am about the looks of those tools... What do you think can be the best option between these two models? One is about 44 cm and the other around 37.5 cm, the main difference is the head.

I perfectly understand... In these days I tried to read as many articles regarding hatchets as I could, just to gain more information about functionality and how a good tool behave: I believe to have found a decent mix of style and performance in the new Hultafors model called Dvardala, it hasn't got many reviews at the moment but maybe it could be the best choice for me... even if I am not sure about the lenghth; are 44 cm of handle too much for an axe to be carried around on a belt?

Thank you for the review!! I'll consider this model.

Thanks! Those axes seem pretty solid, but definetely out of my budget...

Yeah! But probably a tomahawk would be suitable for only a few of the needs a hatchet can make up for.

I've found these tools in my amazon, but I read many reviews saying that the quality is not worth spending all that money... If you have bought one of these in first person, how was your experience?

Seems like a great tool! Thank you!! I understand what you mean about the lineage and I'll keep that in my mind. The design of the axe doesn't fit a 100% what I was thinking about, I'll leave here an example so maybe more ideas can arrive!  (Ignore the producer, it's waaaay out of my budget)

Trying to find a viking bushcraft hatchet!

Hi everyone, I'm searching the internet for an hatchet to use during my outdoor activities: I do not search for a standard type though, I am trying to find a hatchet that is similar to the bearded ones from the viking tradition. A tool that is not too heavy or long, something you can attach to your belt and travel around carrying it safely. I am from Italy and couldn't find a lot of solutions here in my local stores so I checked some german websites; I found the Njord Viktor medium axe, but I don't know if the quality is trustworthy. Do you have any suggestions about what to do? Any idea of this product or something that could be similar? My budget is 100€.

I've had a look and I think you're right! Thanks!