Chell yeah!

IIRC Suni was the youngest last time, and I think she was 18. So, they were all adults, most of them over 20.

Chell yeah!


Chell yeah!

Yes! I'm so frustrated! She's NOT being held to the same standard as the others.

Chell yeah!

Social media has convinced me that Ian Gunther is the best MAG in the world and should be on this list. JUSTICE FOR IAN!

Chell yeah!

Wait... saying they had landing deductions is having "their names dragged through the mud"? In the quotes OP posted, all they did was wonder why Jade's E score was lower than Simone's or Leanne's when everyone had landing deductions.

Maybe you're reading something that isn't there?

Chell yeah!

Was that because she took out the L hop?

Love the literal interpretation of the words😆

farrenheit is structured around the human body (0 is fucking cold, 100 is fucking hot

This is what makes Fahrenheit not suck, IMO. It's pretty convenient that 100 can serve as a demarcation for "fever." Easy for exhausted parents to remember when we're trying to figure out if a toddler is ill or just insane in the middle of the night.

And, yeah, 0 and 100 are the, "I'm only leaving a climate-controlled environment for an emergency" temps.

Right? I was like, "What's OP got against organizers and purse hooks? They literally bought a vacuum for their car, but TikTokers can't keep lotion in theirs?"😆

This. It's also the easiest to convince my kid to use. "The cap is purple! There's UV rays! Protect your skin, kiddo!"😆

Chell yeah!

That's a really good point. She's done the same type of pacing for World's teams, but those haven't generally manifested with the caliber of routine she hit in Tokyo.

Chell yeah!

Agree! I actually don't think the junior elite age minimum should be 14 or 15. Let the girls finish puberty before putting their bodies through that level of stress.

Chell yeah!

Yes to all to this. Nile et al. are men making entertaining gymnastics content, but very little of it (that I've seen, at least);is actually MAG. What they're doing is building their own careers as entertainers, and I they try to give the algorithm what it wants (they often use WAG-related titles and thumbnails).

Ian, Frederick, and Khoi feature a lot of their actual MAG training and competitions. Sure, they make a lot of goofing-around content (the opposite Olympics ones are particularly dorky), but they're active competitive gymnasts building an impressive fan base.

Ian in particular does an awesome job of educating about gymnastics in a way the algorithm actually promotes. He asks questions people actually want to answer (driving up engagement). He's funny. His explainer videos are short, snappy, and often feature "big names" like Simone, Nadia, or Kohei. Plus, he does that thing where he gives the "headline-grabbing" version of a story (e.g. focusing on the deduction for Laurent spotting Simone's vault so everyone fills the comments with their righteous fury).

I'd be shocked if USAG, NBC, and/or NCAA didn't offer him a media position when he retires from MAG. Khoi and Frederick, too, TBH.

Chell yeah!

He's my favorite of their crew. His personality cracks me up! Plus, I'm constantly shocked by the skills he can hit.

Chell yeah!

I doubt Chellsie and Alicia do that. My guess is someone in USAG gives input, but it's ultimately up to NBC.

Chell yeah!

They sound curious, not pressed. Perhaps you might need some chill, dude?

Your smile is incredible!❤️ Thanks for posting. Seeing people looking genuinely happy always makes my day a little better!

Chell yeah!

I'm pretty sure the current COP was written before Jade won in Tokyo.

Chell yeah!

I've spent way too much time over the last year daydreaming about this exact thing!

Chell yeah!

Recall that Shilese was eligible last Olympics but wasn't on that team. Mykayla Skinner didn't go to her 1st Olympics until she was 23.

Gymnasts like Leanne and Kayla who are still around, despite not being on the Tokyo team. They didn't quit after their first attempt.

In the US, it's clear the culture has shifted. You no longer have to give up on your Olympic dreams if you didn't make it as a teenager.

When the current crop of 20+ women retire, hopefully Skye, Joscelyn, Tiana, etc will still be trying to make it to the LA Olympics.

Personally, I'm hoping Konnor becomes the next Andrade.

Thanks for moderating this. It's what drove me away from some other skincare subs

Even if it was in a form that your skin could absorb, there's no way the concentration is high enough to be effective.

I'm doing that thing where I try not to laugh out loud because my husband's asleep...and I'm failing!😆