Lived in a seaside village and had the time of my life (22-24) then moved to a huge city and worked my butt off (24-31)! Then I settled down!

Yes. Happened to me a few months ago. I seriously cannot believe I’m here- 50!

Also, large Italian, Portuguese and Irish numbers = Catholic.

Just keep it short and not loud.

Wait… I live in Fairfield County. I also live in New England. At the same time! Ha!

Sometimes when my instagram doesn’t refresh right away and her video is first and it keeps playing and playing- It drives me insane.

I don’t understand- what’s the issue here w/the daughter? She’s in her room? What’s the problem?

Let them pay- but keep your distance. Build up a great life at school and make plans to be independent as soon as you’re done. You don’t need their crap after that tuition is paid.

Your parents are jerks. I’d get to college… and never return home. Seriously- they’ll ruin you.

My daughter got this yesterday in the mail!!!! I knew it was scammy because her GPA is not exactly scholarly! We got the car magnet too!

Your parents are crap. I wouldn’t even want them at my graduation. Glad it all worked out for you though.

This is abusive! Take heed of all the advice given already. Just out of curiosity- is this a cultural thing with your parents?