Yeah this whole thing has me just livid for the baby’s sake at this point. It’s extremely clear that even if the baby was born without FAS, they’ll still not be cared for properly by their mother. I wouldn’t bring a kid into this world with a mother like that, you know? Just seems inhumane and cruel.

I thought they meant age and that this was a very different post

4Kids was actually where I first watched those three! Now I’m knee-deep in being obsessed with those same three like it’s crack.

lol no being an ex does not mean we are friends. Go away.

There’s your reply. And like… fuck sympathy y’all broke up?

Back in the flip phone days I had memorized the message you receive when blocked by someone. Sending that over and over suddenly and getting to watch their replies in frustration was the same entertainment I get from this sub. Petty but so much fun.

My mom literally goes “oh okay just once you’re done.”

Blew my mind that other people don’t have parents that can wait a second.

Is there a way to put a restraining order on someone you’ve never met?

It set off an alarm of cheating big time. I’m not saying she is, but she sounds like she’s keeping that door cracked open ever so slightly.

Orrrr OP is the “other guy” in which case… flabbergasted.

I always wondered if an IQ could go into the negative but you’re making a strong case for it being able to

You mean your anthropology racial studies human historical anatomy classes?

Domain Expansion: Nintendo Switch

I want to gain knowledge to the point that I discover sorcery. As time goes on I begin using this newfound power to save the village crops, thwart raiders, and enhance the potions used for villagers so they can be healthy. Until one day I adopt an apprentice who is tenacious and full of the yearning to become even more powerful. Within the abilities I’ve learned, my apprentice finds dark magic and argues a case as to why we should use it to help people.

“No,” I exclaim to my apprentice, “For this power is tainted by the blood of Amnakath, Third head to the house of Haavinter, devourer of souls.”

My apprentice urges me they will not be overcome by this evil and we argue loudly like a married couple for 24 hours. Ending with my apprentice storming out.

Fast forward to my old age and I finally find the strength to move past my old apprentice when a young man knocks on my door wishing to learn magic to save his ailing mother. In time we become a powerful duo but it is not all as it seems. My old apprentice returns now as a lich king demanding my knowledge and ordering me to work beneath them. I refuse and a battle is pushed between the two of us.

I begin to lose the battle and the earth with the heavens all seem doomed, destroying any hope left for a future. Suddenly, my new apprentice shows that they are the chosen one, connected to the magic like no one before them; defeating my old apprentice.

We celebrate but it is bittersweet. Could I have done something differently to reach for the heart of my old apprentice? Could I have saved them? It matters not, for my new apprentice will right all wrongs and clean the slate by way of a true and just heart.

Also, I’d like to get into coding before we knew coding would pay so well.

That’s when you hit ‘em with ye olde: “Yeah that’s the point.”

Probably lust for him since he’s hangin around kids in that pic

Awww and he’s hanging with Adonis I’m pretty sure? Good to see he wants to emulate what a good father is by dressing like Kendrick

Ahhhh but you see that’s where the trick comes in. I see a lot of dooms who try to 1v1 Mauga. I think really any hero can counter another with the right tech work.

Hearing you Doom the supports is hot though and I’m a little salty I don’t get grouped with people like you lol

I’ve watched too many Doom mains who think that just hitting harder will make you be able to counter Mauga. As a tank main as well, it makes me want to jump out of my skin. It’s hard to pick dps or support when you know your tank isn’t gonna support y’all.

I don’t get the swapping character hate. Isn’t that the entire point?

Yeah I can’t see any reason I’d ever send a dick pic platonically to anyone