What it looks like when you survive electrocution.

What do mentats do? Or when do you take them? I've never used mentats.

After putting him in the sport that caused this illness? Sounds like the cash cow is going down, and it's time for some damage control. A bit too late.

I grew up in the projects that were in kendricks video and others in LA tommy the clown is legendary and a mist have for everyone's birthday party.

It's a great thing we have lebron who only cares about his legacy.

Shhhh lebron stans don't Like facts.

If you read some of the info in the terminals it mentions that the workers tried to ask for more stabilization beams or something like that to control those tremors. Earth movement or just weakened caves from all that digging.

Just busting your balls. I'm not really into the beef one either, I stick to the good ol goat recipe. But to each their own. Enjoy.

Heracy!!!! Next thing you know, we'll have turkey pozole.

He had a heart condition that affected his skill and still somehow made it to the NBA. Yeah, that sounds earned to me. Lebron is delusional to think his son is at a championship level or will do anything other than hinder the team.

Highly doubt that. The robotaxi conference is gonna be filled with "coming soon" and " in theatre's near you." No real prospects or projects with reliable time frames.

You're telling me everything that tatse like shit is good for me?

This is the game plan. Play good as hell until the finals when lebron really wants to bring out bronny so it looks like the whole father/son championship thing and then lose.

Neither does mine. I have a Kentucky saddler and an appaloosa that look way better than that.