It is the original set that came with the printer, but it might be the culprit regardless. Thanks for your insights!

I just redid the whole wiring thing. Swapping X and Y made it work a lot better like previous time, but still a slight bit of the grinding like in my post. I tried to swap some wires within the X connector, but the problem persisted or it didn't move at all.
I checked the voltages with a multimeter as well, those seemed fine (A4988 driver).

Thanks for the reply :). I didn;t see it as the culprit since I never touched those wires until swapping them and it works randomly: swapping them back made it work as well. I also don't know how I would have to rewire them differently if I did because the cable is part of the large power delivery unit.
printer.cfg doesn't contain any values on currents. I also don't see a "vref" port on the board. Why would that need to be changed if it was untouched?

Thanks for the help! In your honor I will spread your Anti-Ender teachings

Thanks a lot! Any specific recommendations for an ABL?

Awesome list! What do you think, Sidewinder X2 or Genius Pro? Is the extra size (and thus price) worth it for "just in case" situations? Would it be better to get Sidewinder X1/Genius and upgrade from there? Or something else altogether?

He just wants his belly moisturized with hat cream

This is so nice, I wish it is my nursery now.

Is that 8 boxes of cereal on the left?

Secretly he's the artist. You can't fool us forever!!

This is absolutely magical.

That's what I would say if your username didn't seem suspiciously muggle-ish.

In all seriousness: it's very enchanting.

I feel like this cat can hear my existence

Bottom right has some lag

"Research has shown that petting me will reveal hidden research. I purr.. I mean... I SWEARRRRR"

Looking at the brand I'd say this is the goal of the bed: stuffed

He looks like he has to parallel park.

In Soviet Russia, sheep herds you



"Maybe I should get out and try some of that 'outside and social stuff' people keep telling me about."

"Hello I'm a human and I exis.."

"Nope! Back to my cave, fuck this. I'll try again next eon"

And repeat.

Maybe some snacks inbetween

Good for you! Remember that with baby steps, falling on the bum happens. It's about getting up again until you make adult steps! Have fun feeling and being pretty! :)

Albus Dumbledog, headmaster at Pugwarts

He's just trying to tell you that the only gift you need under the tree is him

You certainly know how to match your coat goat