I grew up in Southern California. It’s not unheard of, but it’s not exactly common. It’s kind of an aunty’s name. I’m wondering if your relative pronounced the “H” sound? It’s pronounced more like “Erlinda” in Spanish.

Jane comes to mind. I think Elizabeth is a classic, and much more of a standout.

ESH. Him for overall assholery. But you saying “…was still body modification and needs to bear a similar weight as any other form of body modification” is a bit much. It very may be true that hole migration is a greater risk, it’s not something I’ve heard of, and if I were you I’d show him and your kid proof. But how big a risk is it? I do wonder if you’re dying on this hill to spite your ex at the expense of your daughter’s feelings. Lastly, if you want to take her to a body piercing studio, I would suggest you do it before your daughter comes to visit you wearing Piercing Pagoda studs because her dad went ahead and did it without your permission. (Personally, I’d have a pediatrician do it.)

Pilar, Asha, Fatima, Magdalena

Khalil, Santos, Ewan, Paolo

I these are all nice, except Kiyan, which will be pronounced Kee-Yawn most likely, and Jace which sounds like you named him after a fraternity bro.

My faves are Langston, Sebastian and Casper. I’m not big on nicknames, so it doesn’t bother me that Langston doesn’t have one built in. Baz and Cap are cool though.

It looks unfinished. Claire and Clare are better. I do like those names.

Call soon, they’re probably dragging their feet hoping the time limit to dispute charges passes.

I agree with another poster, your themes might cross the line of being annoying to the reader. But, ask your beta readers if it bothers them. :-) Also, Magnolia doesn’t equate to Spring when I hear it. I think “American South.”

Regardless, I think Grazia fits your parameters. Good luck with your book!

I disagree. Unlike seeing strikes that barely knick the strike zone. Unless an ump makes an egregiously bad call, missed balls and strikes don’t bother me a whole lot.

That sounds enthusiastic to me, not desperate. It’s not like you said “I have no money, please hire me.” I hope you find a good position soon.

Honestly, not a fan. It’s not awful, but kind of bland. I’ve only known one Dean, and he was nice, and super jacked. Still don’t love the name, sorry. I do agree it would make a nice middle name.

NTA, and chances are he's not who you think he is since you seem not to have met him IRL. I do not believe he is 16. Regardless, he's being manipulative, and once he has your nudes you will regret it even more. You should not "give in" to things that make you uncomfortable! He's not a good person. He may tell you some things you want to hear, and pretend to be into the same thing you're into, but his actions show his true colors. What you need to do is block him, and talk to a trusted adult. It can be hard in the summer when school isn't in, but there has to be someone you can talk to. Also, don't answer PMs from the creepy guys on Reddit who'll reach out to you.

NTA. Next time, ring for the flight attendant and let them handle it. With any luck he won't be able to control his temper, and get escorted off. I think you were smart not to share your story. He may have said even worse things know it.

NTA. He's the asshole. What a jerk. "Unreasonable and stupid." Enjoy the couch, asshole. Also, from here on out, he can get his own damn coffee.

Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate your honesty. This was really disturbing to read.

I think you're right, Sacha is usually the boy's name.

So are all of the other names I mentioned. I'm not sure what your point is?

I hate to be nosy, but can you talk a bit more about what happened to your cousin, did she ever realize it was a scam, is she mentally okay or did she spin out of control?

I doubt you'll ever be able to convince your dad. I'm so sorry. (First of all, he believes that paparazzi are after Susanna Hoffs...) I would try to protect your mom's assets and future. Reach out to AARP for advice. Elder services in their community should also be helpful. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

So, I think your asks were a little much, but not crazy over the top. But, I hate it when people like your fiancé half-ass things. This incident would make me think “do I want to marry someone who can’t follow written instructions regarding something I find important?” I would not. But it would be fine for others. I wouldn’t have gotten married if my spouse wasn’t dependable.

I’m glad it works for your husband that you “try.” You would drive me insane and I would be filled with rage on the regular. But it doesn’t matter, because I love and married someone who has great attention to detail, and you found some who loves you. Just because it works for your relationship, doesn’t mean it will work for everyone. She’s got to decide if she wants to live like this forever, or look for someone more compatible.

Bold of you to think my MIL uses 2FA. Yes, we know it’s an issue, but she’s stubborn. We finally stopped her from using words like “umbrella” as her password, so, progress!

I like Aubrey! There are so many nice feminine names out to choose for. Julia, Sabrina, Aliya, Lorelei, Gabriella, Tabitha, Natalie/Natalia, Annalise, Willa. These are just odd the top of my head. :-) Congratulations!

Right? I’d be so tempted to name her Hyatt.