Sure but I am saying, what we see today, they are not the same thing. They are not the same coin. We have a democratic coin and we have a dictatorship coin.

I'm talking about adult issues and you're talking about video games. You know what you can do? Just don't play it...or don't watch shit you don't like. Let people be who they want to be, you are, even if that's an ignorant asshole.

It's nonsense cause you can't make sense of it because you're limited by your own hate and anger. It's makes a ton of sense in the objective reality.

I mean that's a cool quip but doesn't address that facts of the matter and what we are watching. That's makes a lot assumptions on a deeper darker conspiracy, which I don't necessarily disagree with, but if we're looking at what we see right now, both sides are not the same.

Ruining Star Wars is what you are angry about? My guy, we are talking about real issues here. You're worried about watching a show or a video and seeing something you don't like? That's what you're on about?

What is cancel culture? Who got cancelled that you're angry about? Gina Carano? These are businesses making business decisions. And the marketplace determines who people want to watch. And just to be clear, the right has been canceling people and brands for years - bud light for having a transgender commercial, Dixie chicks for being against the war, they want to cancel target, they want to cancel books like Clifford the big red dog, Colin kaepernick, music, fucking French fries if you're old enough to remember. The right has always been about cancel culture.

See this is what I am talking about. You're not living in the objective reality. You're angry because of the shit you listen to and what you watch but if you zoom out, how is that really affecting you? They have made you angry by projecting.

You should be angry about the same things. You won't like project 2025 either. You won't like less actual freedoms. You won't like the costs that will rise due to climate change. You won't like what you're voting for.

I don't think that's true anymore. One side of the coin is going after democracy, the other is being as feckless as usual but still wants a democratic nation. One side is pushing conspiracy theory (birtherism, pizzagate, covid, election stolen) and the other is in this reality. One side is siding with our enemies, AS WELL AS promoting the end of Palestine. One side is calling for a civil war and to take power with or without blood being spilled. One side is against personal freedoms and bodily autonomy. One side wants religious rule. One side has a candidate that literally tried to steal the election via a fake electors scheme which culminated into an insurrection. One side just made it so that the president has immunity and that brides are legal. One side stole a Supreme Court justice pick. One side took the rights away from women who had it for 50 years.

So no, I have to disagree here, it's not really two sides of the same coin. We are seeing some rather insane extremism from the right on things that go against what democracy and rule of law stand for.


You implied you're fascist by your comment. Read the title of the post again and read your comment.

It's not that they don't agree with me, it's that they don't agree with what America stands for and the systems we have in place and are so quick to believe conspiracy theory, lies and whatever the fascists tell them. To me, that makes them pretty stupid

I don't believe all the shit that Biden says and definitely not what the news says and I'll call it out, but the right seems to bend over altered reality to defend Everything Trump says despite video and audio evidence. So yeah, that's pretty stupid to me.

There's not alternative facts, there are facts.

The thing is I don't hear enough from democrats about the good being done, how they are going to Combat what just happened, how they are going to sway more voters or get more people to the booths. His display at the debate, although the polls say differently, wasn't great and didn't make anyone super enthusiastic. So are we doing that changes that? Why are we still playing nice and acting like we can bi-partisan a dictatorship? We lost one SC justice because the Dems were too weak and then Hilary fucked her campaign off and then here we are. I think we all want to hear a plan by the democrats.

(Sorry, not asking you for these answers, started to just vent)

Alright then let's fucking go and do something about the threat to democracy. Shit, make voting Day a holiday at least. Set some fucking term limits. Make it so felons can't be president. Do something! If you're gonna lead democracy, you have to save it first!

I would love for some stuff to happen I the middle, but that would mean that one side can't be trying to end democracy. There is too big of a divide right now to have a "middle". One side is living and breathing conspiracy theory and lies. There needs to be major changes for there to be a middle ground to work through. Unfortunately we are more at the point of "saving democracy from a dictatorship" than bi partisanship.

I've seen hield shoot the pacers out of the lot of games too. I think it's a push.

Anderson is a really good, smart player. He can run the point, he somehow makes shots, he's long and plays defense. He's a good piece, I like that pick up.

I think they need someone who can create their own shots at 3 levels. It's probably Lauri based on who is on the board.

I get it though, they were the OGs there, they are supposed to be the cornerstones, so they felt like they should have gotten priority when locking down the deals, not the newer guys. They felt like they should be number 1a and 1b to be locked in, which I think is fair for what they gave to the org and what they put in.

Monkey in Space

He was in the womb watching it and picking it all up!

If Jay feels a type of way, he can hop Out on his own song. Would love to have another huge rap beef this year.

I agree, he can be. He got a lot better this past year and sometimes look unstoppable when driving. I would love to see him hit that stage when he is just taking games over completely, like in the clutch getting any shot he wants. I would like to see him get a few 40 point games this year. That would be a really great look for him as a 2nd option.

Yeah, I'm surprised KD hasn't officially asked out yet. The Suns haven't don't anything and they stunk this year. They should have brought CP back so they could actually have a PG.

Try reading the book No More Mr Nice Guy, it was pretty illuminating.

These are straight up threats to the country, its people and democracy by one political party. We are being held hostage by a lobbying company.

The fucked up thing is that the right believes the left is the ones murdering the right, taking away rights and that Biden is somehow a dictator. So all of this is justified to them. Right wing media has really done a number on this country so much that a party is dismantling democracy and threatening another side with murder.