Dick move…..Row of arborvitae’s that’s care of that… or stack the fence 2 panels high…..

Sup frousin

Don’t always trust your phone to last and have a map and compass with you and actually know where you are on that map once your phone dies. Be prepared with proper gear…got stuff for the rain? Have 1st aid? Flashlights and or extra battery’s? Water pump or way to purify water? Just a few things off the top….. happy trails

Maverick knows what he wants and likes

Do it again dad!!!!🐬🐬🐬🐬

Why is this soo funny!!! 😂😂😂😂

Grandma don’t gives 2 shits about ammo count… she out for blood..

One of the better pics on the internet right now😂


What about Algonquin and Iroquois Wright??

You would not believe……..

Could have bought her some underware🤷🏻‍♂️😁

Put the trombone down and get the damn paper towels for your mom!!🤨Tall bastard😁

All around the edges then it’s chomp Chomp in with the rest😋

Give a dog his bone……Time for steak and ice cream sarg🤨😁

Bartender…. Gimme ✌️ with no chaser🥴😵‍💫😵