I like 16 a lot but rebirth to me is superior in just about every single way.

A German soldier in ww2 said something similar. Iirc the jist of it was it’s impossible to tell how good the Americans were because they always could use overwhelming artillery to solve any problem.

At some point we as a city are going to have to accept a massive kill them all campaign. Just let animal control go to town and donate the meat to the hungry.

His middle manager creed hits so hard if you actually work in something like that

Let’s never complain about the last copper out of Saigon baby. I’m sure you will make it work just like I plan to.

Tbh I’m not exactly sure what version of Aerith was. Rebirth Aerith doesn’t seem to have anything but a vague idea of the future… guess we will find out in a few years.

If you start with the assumption that America is uniquely evil and anyone against them must be good it’s not hard. That’s insane of course but the more radical left wing elements in America have gotten there.

The favorite is what at best 30% to win. By default the favorite loses more than wins it

All else equal why would the school hire 2 people to fill On my one job though.

If you weren’t there for peak ipa hipsters culture you just won’t get it.

Performance based pay raises rock. I’m in between a GS 12-8 and 12-9 if I’d had been in GS I’d only be at 12-5 half way to 12-6

:friedman: Milton Friedman

No, we have gotten what we deserve. We are still paying for the sins of 2012 when we could have elected Mitt

:friedman: Milton Friedman

As nation we elected trump, we don’t deserve that much

I’m laughing because longwood just smoked them let’s go wood

I generally agree however, the majority of military people here are male and enlisted. The military I think tries it best, but to pretend the average Hampton roads military person views line up with the big navy’s views seems dishonest. In the case of this thread I think it’s important to be honest.