This is sad to read. Dentistry should be free, as part of the NHS.

Air B&B takes away from housing stock meaning more people struggle to find a home just so scumbag landlords can make more money.

I enjoy Rieu's work but I hate all the closeups of old, rich white people. I don't need to see that.

Pacify everyone, walk behind them and slit their throat with a dagger.

Prepare the billionaires!

These two are both horrible people. They're just better at hiding it.

Just take a bus or train ffs. Stop clogging up the roads with this bs.

This is the one thing I like about celebrities as a concept. The ability to bring joy to people just by being there.

Gutted. The Chinese have just launched their own plus I can't see the US and Russia agreeing to work together on the ISS2.

Charity is a scam. The work they do should be paid for by taxes on the wealthiest, not spare change from the poorest (who donate the most).

So they found Rishi Sunak? A lack of safe, legal routes killed Sara.

Transmute and muffle. The only problem is that you end up with draugr deathlords before you can swing a sword with any power.

Should have asked him if he worries about being charged for complicity in war crimes.

My favourite band. The second album I ever bought with my pocket money as a kid was Dirty.

Here in NW England it's fuck or fuckin' every other word. Annoying.

What kind of moron votes against a union?! Here is why everyone should be in a union.

Every episode. RJ is so good at what he does. He deserves an 'all elite' graphic

This was not long before the revolution. It's amazing to think that in about 50 years they went from pre industrial in most places to an international, space faring superpower.