MTL - NHL :61707:

Man, I miss this goal song. Still the best. The crowd would go nuts singing the OoOooO-Oh part and the whole Bell centre would echo from it. Made it feel like 50 000 people chanting.

S't'un gamer, ça c'est certain!

Cursive is no longer taught in many schools in favour of typing and programming. I don't see the issue.

Also he's writing using Latin alphabet as a kid who was educated using Cyrillic. How's your Cyrillic penmanship, btw?

The anthem of a generation... of 12 y.o. boys whose mom's won't let them stay up past nine.

My suggestion would involve 5 steps.

  1. Create a rule about plagiarized content so that users can report when content has been plagiarized. The onus is on the user to follow up their report with a DM to mods with

    (1) a link to the original content that clearly demonstrates direct plagiarism &

    (2) a screencapture of the article as it was published that shows the plagiarism).

    (While this is being evaluated, I would not suggest removing the post, but rather put a sticky post comment up stating that the contents of this article have been flagged for plagiarism and users are invited to not visit the site until this claim is substantiated. I would also suggest notifying the original reddit author if that's not the person who reported, in case the reddit commentator is actually the journo (or okay with it).)

  2. Once plagiarism is confirmed, implement a domain level ban on the site(s) that hosts plagiarized content. Create a public wiki page listing all domains that are banned. I would suggest three tables*: 1st offense, 2nd offense, permabans.

  3. Add an automod message to the removed posts stating that this domain was banned on [date] and provide a link to the wikipage.

  4. To minimize the amount of mod work I would suggest the following scale:

    first offence: 1 month domain level ban so that it affects their ad revenue calculation.

    Second offence: 3 month domain level ban + sharing of ban to other hockey subreddits for implementation.

    Third offence: Permaban + sharing of ban with other hockey and sports subreddits (as well as any community that wants to join the program).

  5. I would also suggest presenting on the wikipage a mechanism where permabanned sites can apply to be reinstated following substantial changes have been implemented or they can make the case that it was a specific individual on their site who was the cause and they've since disassociated with them.

  • I would suggest the following format for each table:

Something in this format would be good IMHO:

OutletAuthorBan DateFirst Offense?LinksStatus (Active/Appealed/Ended)
HockeyPlagiarist.comThiefy McThiefJan 1 2025Yes[Original Reddit content] / [Screencap of plagiarism]Active

I guess this explains the Fast and the Furious franchise. Family was the key all along.

It's honestly infuriating. I had that happen to a few of my posts on /r/MMA back in the day. When I discovered that it was a widespread trend on the sub and moderators there refused to do anything about it, it completely turned me off from sharing in that Subreddit and still, half a decade later, I remain unsubscribed and more or less quit following the sport.

I wish more subreddits would implement a rule about stolen content and issue temporary bans to sources that post that kind of content. If all the hockey subreddits for example would ban a site that does that for say 1 month, the time for an ad campaign cycle on their sites, I'm sure it would quickly send the necessary message and stop the issue.


It is of note that the US has a very transparent military budget by global standards.

It is an accepted hypothesis for many analysts that countries like China, Israël, or Saudi Arabia for example spend far more than what they report, and that this is the norm rather than the exception for most countries on the top end of that list if they have any kind of adversarial relationship with the US and its allies in particular.

Additionally, some countries live in a full-on war economy, where pretty much every public cent has some kind of military consideration to it. The line between military and non-military spending is blurry in those instances.

Meanwhile, some countries in defensive alliances that come with an obligation to spend up to a threshold are pressured to do the reverse and inflate their reported spending numbers. So some might be actually lower.

In all likelihood, the gap between the US and its allies vs the rest of the world is not as big as many would assume.

Still, the only real way of measuring a military's capabilities IRL is its use, and in that regard the US are indeed at the top.

Should the NHL change its schedule?

The back to back nature of the draft lottery, the Stanley Cup playoffs and finals, Award Season, the Draft, and Free Agency day creates a needless crunch and has events overshadowing and overlapping each others.

You can tell the league, the teams, the journos and to a lesser extent the players are all rushed as the league tries to keep fans interested and engaged in the whole proceedings.

Combined with all the travel required for teams involved in only half of these, it's no wonder some teams have asked to make the draft virtual.

How would you go about fixing this?

That's a great way of putting it and, I think, an issue with many actors and entertainers in general.

I'd call it the call of the clown. The desire to distinguish oneself at any cost in order to demonstrate one's uniqueness to fans, peers and themselves. Everyone wants to be special.

I did that at the airport recently while handing over my passport. The agent was not amused and just looked at me like I was retarded. Jokes on him however, I was in fact quite retarded. My flight had been delayed on my way there so I was in no hurry.

I did get my wife to snort laugh in public (and turn red as a result) so I count that as a win. A win for the fifth element. Love.

I think that and Bladerunner 2049 are the last roles where I think he did not hinder, but added. He's a cat quickly running out of lives in my book.

September to end of April.

He is signed for a year, so no chance IMHO he plays his season, gets his release, applies for a canadian visa, gets it, and join us. I think at the earliest he shows up training camp of the 2025-2026 season.

At the latest I think he will be here in October 2025, right before the Canadian election, as there's a strong possibility Canada votes in a far-right government that will implement a moratorium on immigration soon after taking power (before EoY) if they have a majority. There's a clear window for Demidov IMHO.

Damn, I was sure Coeur de Pirate was the singer. Good find!

Typically KHL teams don't give massive amounts of minutes to rookies, he'll get some, but if they know that he's not sticking around, no sense in making him develop chemistry with regulars.

The visa process will be complicated in his case. I would not expect him to reappear on our radar until after the end of the KHL season at the earliest.

Place to buy activated carbon pellets on the island?

Used for airfilters, fishtanks and such.


Renée-Charles tell your mom we love her and that she did a good job announcing our pick.