“The only group here who can never be happy is abolitionists. Change your plantation to enslave half as many people then tell an abolitionist and be perplexed how he is pissed that you did not stop slaving entirely.”

“The only group here who can never be happy is anti-rape activists. Rape half as many women and be perplexed how he is pissed that you did not stop raping entirely.”

“The only group here who can never be happy is anti dog fighting activists. Breed and train half as many dogs into fighting rings and be perplexed how he is pissed that you did not stop dog fighting entirely.”

Of course we won’t be thrilled that you’re only unnecessarily paying to slaughter half as many animals. You’re still unnecessarily slaughtering.

Yeah idk either, that’s why a second opinion might be a good idea just to be super sure. But pink noses or pink/black noses are way more common in white animals. They just don’t produce a lot of melanin.

Did it have the password system for when someone is supposed to pick you up but your parents don’t have a chance to tell you ahead of time? Cause I remember that part specifically and demanding that we have a rotation of passwords in case anyone caught on to the system and tried to use the password twice to kidnap me lol. The whole thing made me super paranoid.

My sister has a Great Dane who was born almost entirely white with just a few small black spots that have expanded as he’s gotten older. When he was a baby, his nose was all pink. Now at 6/7, his nose is almost completely black, too. I’d talk to a second vet just to make sure, but sometimes pigmentation does change over time. Just like humans get new freckles, moles, age spots, etc.

Same. My mom did one that came with a safety video with an old man explaining what to do with a VHS for kids and one for parents. And then a practice instructional.

I got mine from Pense Berry Farm. I had heard mixed reviews but had an overall good experience myself. They have a ton of stuff. There are other regional suppliers as well, depending on where you are.

Hey it’s been a couple days and you haven’t posted. Are you okay? Genuinely concerned about you and hope you’re doing alright and got treatment quickly

Hey, you should try bare root strawberries next spring. They’re really cheap, can last multiple seasons, and grow prolifically. They’re like $1 each for a bundle of 25

Hey, slightly off topic, but you might want to look into autism if you haven’t. Up to 1/3 of anorexics are also autistic and it presents through our eating disorders. Especially because you mention not eating a lot and having to be coaxed as a small child to eat more. That can be an issue with interoception, which is something that I also struggle with as an autistic recovering anorexic. I also see you’re trans, and that’s also super correlated with autism.

I also see a lot of myself in how you describe your aversion to nuts/seeds - we tend to empathize in ways other people would see as odd.

Obviously autism is talked about a lot on the internet, but this isn’t something that I throw at people often. I just know that it really helped me to have a diagnosis and for my treatment for providers to understand the root of my issue and why things were presenting a certain way.

The content of your post would be a great thing to bring up with a dietician and get some professional help with someone specialized.

Please, please go to the hospital right away. This could literally kill you, quickly.

Yeah agreed, but was responding to the original comment which just said to take a Benadryl with no indication that the hospital was an urgent need.

This is a man’s very real, life-threatening emergency happening in real time so it’s important to be extremely clear in situations like these.

That’s because you have an established history and plan, including getting to a hospital. What they’re saying is that if you’re not immediately seeking treatment, taking Benadryl could mask serious allergic reaction causing someone to not worry enough to seek care when they really need it. Like, fall asleep and die because they think they’re just tired from the Benadryl.

I second this!! I also have celiac disease so finding good pizza is a challenge but Pizza Oggi is amazing

Though we disagree a lot on this topic, I agree wholeheartedly about the censorship of discussion in this sub. Any disagreement, civil or not, seems to be heavily censored and it’s wildly frustrating. I’ve had my posts removed as well. Discussion is key for issues like these.

Exactly, some. Some of us also don’t have cravings and doesn’t mean we’re lying about it. Sometimes cravings do, thankfully, go away. I’m sorry that they haven’t for you, it certainly is not a moral failing, and I hope that you’re able to eventually find relief.

I also left advice for what I did prior to my cravings subsiding. And I am totally empathetic to those who struggle.

What? I googled and couldn’t find a single thing about that. They’re also vegan certified.

You didn’t call anyone a liar, but the original comment did. I think that’s what people are reacting to. Some people unfortunately have to battle more with cravings and others are lucky not to. Sometimes it just takes time or not restricting yourself from eating “unhealthy” replacements for a while, or adding more variety to your diet, and maybe sometimes they never go away.

I do 100% empathize with any ethical vegan who has to struggle more with cravings because that has to take a whole lot more willpower and be a lot harder. Especially for those of us who were fed a standard western diet as kids and have to really change our habits, or who are neurodivergent and rely on safe foods, or have allergies that already restrict options, etc. Cravings don’t make us weak or bad vegans. It can take a lot of strength to hold fast to your morals when you are tempted.

Maybe it would be a good idea to mix in some replacements from time to time so you aren’t feeling deprived? I started out eating lots of replacements and after about a year stopped having any cravings. I’ve also become a whole lot more WFPB over the past year but still keep stuff in my freezer for when I’ve worked hard in the garden and am craving something substantial and greasy. Or just want to make some mostly very healthy enchiladas with scratch made tortillas and enchilada sauce but fill a couple with beyond meat and Chao cheese instead of my homemade refried beans.

I don’t think humans can have an actual dietary fat deficiency, but I know that my body wants a good amount of fatty and salty foods or I’ll start feeling like something is missing. If you don’t want to rely on any replacement items, maybe start eating more nuts, avocados, olive oil, etc and see how you feel?

Have you tried the miyokos pourable mozzarella? It’s pretty yummy even if not exactly the same

They shouldn’t be downvoted, but cravings do go away for some people. I had really strong cravings when I was a vegetarian teen and assumed when I later became a vegan adult it would be harder (there was a gap between the two) but after about a year vegan I stopped having cravings.

Sometimes I’ll crave something greasy and want a vegan version of something meaty, but I’m lucky enough not to ever crave “the real deal” anymore. I’m four years in now and the idea of eating any animal products genuinely disgusts me. Now that I’ve started leaning a lot more whole foods plant based on top of being an ethical vegan, sometimes I don’t even like the idea of eating replacement versions (not from a moral reason, I just know they don’t always make my body feel good).

I also have celiac disease and I do still have insane cravings after over a decade gluten free for things like pizza on chewy NY style crust, ciabatta bread, biscuits, and real pasta. I also really wish I could just buy some cheap loaf bread that didn’t totally suck on a practical level. So I 100% empathize. Cravings can be brutal.

The fact that it is scary does not make it untrue or unrealistic. 99% of food animals in the US come from factory farms just like or worse than this one. The close quarters and unhygienic conditions are exactly what is causing these outbreaks. It isn’t just bird flu. It was swine flu and Covid too. That’s what this video was showing. Yes, it’s unpleasant and in this case obviously motivated to urge people to stop participating in buying these products. That doesn’t make it inaccurate.

A plant based diet requires fewer resources and less land than animal farming. Where do you think the animals you are eating are getting their food? Plants. Farmed on land that could be used to feed humans with less waste, less harm, and less risk of zoonotic disease like bird flu spreading to human beings.

It seems realistic to me based on my experience growing up in a rural area with a large number of CAFOs like this. What about it is a scare tactic or untrue/undue?

How would that be at all relevant or feasible? We have realistic, easy, ethical options available to us now in the form of a plant based diet. Why on earth would we want to genetically engineer animals who enjoy being slaughtered so we can unnecessarily eat their bodies?

And aside from the insane hypothetical enjoyment of torture, those animals would still pose a risk of spreading zoonotic disease. Which is the entire point here.

There are multiple successful permaculture farms larger than one acre in my area, and you can google plenty. I don’t want to dox myself giving out the ones I personally know.

Yes, permaculture tends to be used on a smaller scale, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t/shouldn’t also incorporate more locally owned, small farms, community gardens, and home gardens into our food supply. In fact, one of our largest problems in accessible and affordable food is large corporations owning the bulk of our agricultural industry. Our system is inequitable, killing us, killing our planet, and is due for an overhaul.

Obviously, we won’t scale up permaculture practices overnight, but in the meantime we do have organic agriculture. It also requires less land to feed humans a plant based diet and the remaining land can be used for other, more restorative purposes, even using our current methods of industrial agriculture.

We have plenty of established options to feed ourselves without relying on factory farming animals and causing enormous suffering in addition to spread of zoonotic disease like bird flu, Covid, swine flu, etc.

Anecdotally, I also grow much of my own food using permaculture methods on my suburban lot. If more of us were doing the same, our reliance on industrial agriculture would be much lower and allow more opportunity for smaller, local permaculture farms whether or not scaling up to industrial levels is feasible/warranted.