We don't know shit about Tom, or how/why he's impervious to the Ring, not just its influence but also its effects. The idea of him having a domain where he's supposedly more powerful is conjecture by Gandalf on how well we would hold out against the forces of Mordor. How much and what aspects of his power are domain-dependent are unknown. Trying to use what we know to logic out answers about what we don't know about him is foolish for a being that's illogical and unknowable by nature.

It doesn't make a ton of sense that way either, because the opponent could just choose to not pay the cumulative upkeep, and it dies. I think the flavor is supposed to be that the growing card draw + damage is the cancer on your opponent, but the templating of the time didnt allow for a more direct interpretation of that. And if I'm the opponent and that's a cancer, I don't want the cure. There's no one single fix to make this card playable. It's just a cavalcade of errors.

New York Yankees

They must be prepping for another World Series against the Dodgers.

New York Yankees

The context was breaking the no-fun barrier like Jackie broke the color barrier. He wanted to change baseball like Jackie did. The context is fine and the sentiment is fine. But the quote itself of "I kind of feel like today's Jackie Robinson," is a wild thing to say. Jackie Robinson had to worry about himself and his family being murdered for having the audacity to play baseball while black. You can say he inspires you. You can even say that you want to be like him. But to outright say that you are like him diminishes what he went through. It's like saying you feel like a war veteran because you played Call of Duty.

New York Yankees

You don't like pimped singles?

New York Yankees

Bautista was well past his (very good) prime by that point. Getting worse afterwards was a given. Anderson was regressing a little bit from his excellent 2019 and 2020, but no one could have expected him to be cooked at 30.

If you're sitting down to play a specific format, and not just the "cards I own" format, you likely know which cards are banned in that format. The ban list is defining aspect of the format. Like how Legacy and Vintage are defined by the same card pool, but they play extremely differently because of Legacy extensive ban list.

If you go to an event for a specific format, even just at a local game store, most players will know the ban list. Judges might walk around and see that a player is playing a banned card. Cards get banned for a reason. There are the odd cards banned for reasons other than power-level, or were insta-banned on release, but most terrorized the format for a period of time. Like our boy Nadu here. If he gets banned (and he should) and someone plays him at a Modern event 5 years from now, players will remember him and someone will notice that that bird fuck is supposed to be in his cage.

If you bolt it, they still get the draw/ramp. It's still card advantage for the Nadu player if it dies to bolt. They might have well as put a big flashing sign on this card that said "PLEASE PLAY ME".

Holy fucking shit. For 5 mana, and cumulative upkeep 1, you get to essentially give your opponent the drawing from The One Ring. I get that they made a lot of cards that were dogshit, but that's usually because they cost too much for too small an effect. But a shitton of mana to actually help your opponent? God damn. And this is after Necropotence, so it's not like they thought players wouldn't want to trade cards for life.

Frodo carried a powerful, magical, evil artifact that contained part of an evil consciousness as old as time itself. It bent its will into corrupting and weakening him, and as his resolve wained its power grew as they were approached its place of making. His resolve only truly failed him at the uttermost end, which was inevitable, as stated by Tolkien himself; none could have resisted the call of the Ring at the precipice of Doom. But his actions and continued successes brought him to that point and allowed the quest to ultimately succeed. Yes, Sam deserves a lot of credit, but to pretend that Frodo deserves none and is a total failure is utter foolishness.

EDH should have stayed at judges' side tables at events.

Aulë: Well, isn't this little guy the fucking greatest.

:nyy3: New York Yankees

The Yankees are the Angels, but with enough money to be able to not be crippled by their albatross contracts.

:nyy3: New York Yankees

Fenway is one of the most hitter-friendly parks in the majors. This graph is their wRC+, which factors that in. It's possible that the Sox don't have a good lineup for taking advantage of Fenway's quirks, so they get the negative adjustment without the benefit that it assumes.

How can you be sure that this is Jimmy Page? Is there a dubiously young girl on the other side of the booth?

The concept of the "gaming chair" is so funny to me. They look like fucking racecar seats. Do you know what kind of seats are notoriously uncomfortable? Fucking racing seats. They're designed to keep you locked the fuck into them during high speed cornering. And they're made of as thin materials as possible to be as light as possible because you're trying to go fast. Why the fuck are gaming chairs designed to look like them? Are you going fast at your desk? Gonna take some hairpin corners with your hands on your keyboard? There's absolutely no way that that is the optimal form factor for sitting comfortably and healthily for long periods of time. But it looks "cool", so it sells. Funnily, the same thing happens for actual cars. People will pay extra money for the top trim versions of already fast cars and get racing seats and other shit that only matters if you're on the track, for a car that will never see the track. And that shit will be uncomfortable and/or inconvenient, but boy does it look cool!

:nyy3: New York Yankees

But he probably didn't take a year off just to get his elbow surgically re-attached like that bum Verlander.

Gothmog is about the same as well. He's the commander of the orcs in the siege of Minas Tirith, and interestingly is also played by Lawrence Makoare. Gothmog definitely has more lines than Lurtz.

:nyy3: New York Yankees

He had 600 PAs too. That's not even a small sample size, that's a qualified season's worth of hitting right there.

Some pitchers can end up with inflated hitting numbers because the opposing pitcher doesn't take their AB seriously, they get lucky and hit a few cookies. Then they don't get enough of a sample size for the luck to balance out. But opposing pitchers knew that guys like Grienke and MadBum were legitimately trying to mash, so they actually pitched to them.

Then what if there are environmental obstacles? If the player is between a wall and a large boss there's nothing that can really be done. You can say "don't put big bosses in rooms with any obstacles or walls", but that's a boss design decision to mitigate the camera issue not a fix for the camera issue.

That's solid advice for the player to have fewer issues. The commenter I was asking made it seem like there was a simple fix the developers could make and resolve the issue.

That's taken from an early version of the Gondolin story that was written before Tolkien reconsidered the number and power of the balrogs. He had Tuor killing 5, Ecthelion killing 3, Glorfindel killing one, and "two score were slain by the warriors of the king's house". And there were still balrogs in the War of Wrath. Then by Lord of the Rings, Gandalf kills one. And yet according to JRR, there were never more than seven or so at any time. The Gondolin kill count alone contradicts that number, and he never got around to finalizing a version of the Fall of Gondolin that reflected the new number. Christopher did his best to settle the contradictions and let Ecthelion and Glorfindel keep their noted kills, but Tuor lost all of his.