The hot one is Gollum hands down... He was showing skin in every scene.

Much less did Washington know about the Jewish space lasers

I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass.

Woah... Why the fuck are you hating on me? I don't doubt it's happening (nor do I condone it). I was just responding to someone who seemed to doubt what was happening due to the video being semi-censored.

I see your point (could be a mannequin for all we know). But do you really find this situation that far-fetched? Plenty of religious fanatics have killed others at any slightest hint or implication of impiety.

Just get a bunch of flowers, rub a lot of pollen on your... unmentionables... And lie naked out in your front yard. (Make sure to decorate said, 'unmentionables' with the leftover flowers to make yourself more enticing). 😉

I know, right? Once again, what a fucking scam

I know someone who, "bought a star" for his girlfriend in highschool. Such a scam... I don't think they ever even fucked haha

Yes, abolish family... Let's get all Plato up in this bitch!

Me calling the pun police: "please send in a SWAT team!" 😂

I was working at a warehouse where I had to move these wine fridges called 'wine enthusiast' I said to a coworker, "wine enthusiast, that's a polite way of calling someone an alcoholic." To which he replied, "I'm a kraken enthusiast!" But I had heard, "I'm a crack enthusiast!" Haha

Yes, finally someone said it! The real crime here is the stolen wheelchair. The audacity of some people. Haha jkjk

From my own experience, bees/wasps tend to be chill if you approach them calmly without ill intent. But of course, I find it easy to relax around them as I'm not allergic to either.

Oh, Santa, I've been waiting on you