Nice. I am not a fan of the way simple upgrades people do like just adding floors. I really like how you have those two side sections stop 1 floor lower and are indented slightly

Yeah, just say you were meeting your friend Art Vandelay for lunch in the building


He wasn't the same even before that injury. he hasn't really been the same ever since he jumped in that McLaren

What? Are you dense?

The kid has an activity they want to do on that weekend, the dad threatening the kid is a childish move.

If he was an adult he could have asked the mom "hey I didn't get to see her this weekend because of X, is it okay if we switch days so I can see her?" No, instead he acted petulant.

Yeah I hate the type of people who think you should be respectful to "elders" or family regardless of their actions. The parents were extremely disrespectful and rude first, so they don't deserve any respect back

Did it have the problem before you put the light kit in? Also as the others have said, what is the issue?

Same reason we get X-Wings and Tie Fighters in Star Wars, because they are popular while I doubt we will get many sequel sets getting remade.

The Fantastic Beasts series really failed to capture fans like the original books/movies did, so Lego probably assumes they won't sell

THANK YOU. Someone with some sense

People lump all remakes together, regardless of context.

Releasing a remake 2 years after the original with the same gameplay, probably not needed

Releasing a remake 20 years after the original with different gameplay, I see no problem with and in fact I encourage it

I think as long as they are cool a kid could see them and want one without knowing the IP.

Does an 8 year old actually care about Luke Skywalker or Boba Fett? Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper sure, they are in 75% of Star Wars media and are iconic, but Boba Fett is in way less media. He just looks cool.

You joke, but why not?

People get too worked up about mechs (and not saying you are, but there are a lot out there).

This is a toy company and some sets, believe it or not, are for kids to have fun with and not aimed at adults

I hope they get Zach on a Best of the Worst at some point


Damn you are a professional Russel hater. I don't think he is top 5 in f1 right now, but to acting like he is a failure is crazy. He isn't Lance Stroll

My idea for a BOTW is watching videos they couldn't in the original because the tape was broken.

An example is " Max Magician and the Legend of the Rings"

I don't disagree that they do a lot of false advertising when it comes to photoshopping some stuff, but this in no way is a good or bad thing to ventator buyers unless you are worried about resale value.

Maybe they planned for it to be exclusive and then received a bunch of emails asking for it not to be locked to a $650 set.

Unlike the false advertising they usually do I see this as nothing but a win for consumers.

Better than Lion King 2019, that's for sure

Yeah, people want the books translated 1:1 and that really isn't ever going to make sense. Things should be removed, reworked, added to improve the movie. It is a fine line to walk though, stray too much and then why bother adapting.

LOTR is a great example of reworking things, but still being good. In the fellowship alone they cut a ton straight from the beginning. Frodo is in the Shire forever at the beginning of the book. And of course there is Tom Bombadil, which I am glad they cut out of the movies. For the movies that whole part was just unnecessary.

If it isn't for the resale value then why do you care? Simply for the principle of it?

hmm, curious on how good it will look considering it is a promo.

Wondering about the wings, are they going to be brick-built, a molded piece, fabric, or vinyl?

Which is hilarious (in a sad way), because being lazy is the stereotype that racist Americans apply to Mexican people.

Yep, should have actually read it, my bad.

hmm, he really hasn't directed anything good so I am not optimistic. Great actor, but directing a LOTR movie.....ehhhh

Also it being a prequel movie also lowers my rock bottom expectations

and it being focused on Gollum, further lowers my expectations.

I think 99% of people could have told them this was going to happen 5 years ago or whenever we learned it was going to be a coop looter shooter

I still can't believe Jay said the Hobbit movies were "still good film-making". The Hobbit movies are garbage, especially the 2 and even more so the 3rd.

They should just remake the Hobbit movies, but good this time.

At least I hope they get someone good to direct like Denis Villeneuve, he could probably pull off a good LOTR movie.

If you look at some of the reviews it appears they have designed it so that he can fit in the batmobile with the hard cape

God that white on the red in the original is so incredibly bad, its embarrassing for Lego to release that.

The stickers seem worth it just for improving that if nothing else


Its based on the movie, which does not have them so it doesn't matter what the books do or don't say