A teacher could also be even keeled and treat the student without snark or sass. There is a lot going on in the world and the child made the decision to not engage in a test.

This! OP is talking about ‘visual appeal,’ they need ONE groundcover around the pavers and in the beds and chairs on gravel is not the way.

...and I want to say, not just selling "upward mobility" but selling a sustainable lifestyle. Economically the average life does not feel very sustainable at the moment.

I mean, certainly right after birth and for the next year at least when your sleep schedules are so upset that both parents are sleep deprived there will be less intimacy, but maybe later in the year, if she is exchanging an hour long commute for no commute and does take her family up on their offers of regular care, they would have more private time together.

My god, I would love a frog community. We were thinking chickens, but there is a serious flea issue because our neighbor breeds long haired dogs that have never been to the vet. 

I was trying to put all the slugs in a pot next to shiny things hoping the crowd would come and feast, but they don’t touch down in our yard as much as they fly around the street.

Interesting approach, I've been having a damnable time with slugs as they don't seem to be interested in the same beer I drink and their trails across my coffee grounds would suggest they like the stuff.

I've been doing the "targeted approach" but I'm starting to feel like a monster smashing so many every day.

Talk to your neighbors about your desires to increase biodiversity in your neighborhood and get them to reduce their mowing to walkways, i.e. lawns are a area rug, not wall to wall.

Additionally there are grants, usually by municipality to convert lawns to native soil. So if you don't mind doing the admin you can get money for the change which will INCREASE your property value by keeping th planet habitable.

You have the chance to be the change in your neighborhood that supports biodiversity, spotlights the connection between humans and nature and brings joy and beauty to your neighborhood.

Yes AND scam education is so important, I remember my mom telling me about pyramid schemes in 2nd grade after my 2nd grade teacher invited her to a "meeting."

We still share scam related news, she received almost regular "inheritance related" letters from scammers pretending to be lawyers and I'm, of course, all over related subreddits and popular news.

This reminds me of when I toured a Victorian for rent in San Francisco, I tried to open a window with the hook shaped handle and it just popped off with a huge chunk of the wooden sash… so I handed it to the property manager and left.

on a positive note, its a bit of a flex that all the windows and doors open

don't til! just layer, tilling is going to fling all that shit into the air and ruin any mycelium growth that is already in the landscape which OP needs to biologically degrade all that dog shit.

Yes, this is a good explanation, pouring concrete is NOT going to hide the scent or biologically compost the material which is what OP wants.

I would honestly shoot for a larger diameter, like twice that size. Check out rolls of paper or cardboard from Home Depot, for 125 trees it's going to be WAY cheaper to buy the paper in bulk. Also a cake board might have a thin plastic layer which you do not want.

oof rough, I would suggest liberally seeding a "cover crop" appropriate to your area along with maybe a thin layer of mulch or a thick layer of dirt. Landscapers or municipalities will often give away chipped wood or soil.

Water the heck out of it at night for however long you need to get that cover crop to grow and invite life into the area. This way you'll build layers of desirable soil and hopefully get enough bioactivity to remediate the situation.

This all does depend on where you are though. After your "cover crop" grows you want to mow or weed wack it. This can either be before or after it goes to seed depending on what you want to grow there. Don't put in concrete though, sounds like you're going to want trees to mitigate the heat.

Cardboard and mulch will not prevent the trees from absorbing water, water deep though!

You don’t even really need to pull the weeds if you are putting cardboard down, just your circle of cardboard, water it down, mulch on top, water it down, and you’re pretty much good until the cardboard breaks down.

You don’t understand why people without the means to move can not move? Really?

You can’t possibly comprehend how poor people, whose needs are not being met, further stressing them, don’t think they could possibly put together the money and time needed to scout a new home, put together a deposit/first/last months rent and change all their addresses? Really?

to add to the other comments, the back view seems to want a "yoke" or a seamline on the upper back where the fabric is pulling up (or a little lower) that allows for pattern pieces to sneak a little bit of ease on the broadness of your shoulder

aww, this is such a sweet thread of sweet people

we could have had a functional curtain renaissance, instead we got tiny windows.