July 2nd. No more indoor water restrictions!

It’s hard not to feel guilt/shame/loss/frustration when you have this condition. I’m struggling too with feeling like a very creative and capable mind stuck in a body that refuses to work normally. I don’t know how we’d avoid feeling this way.

I’m sure you tell yourself regularly this isn’t your fault. And I understand some days are just going to be downers because it’s exhausting dealing with migraines.

I don’t really have advice. But I get it, and everything you feel makes perfect sense. Ultimately, be as kind as you can to yourself. You are still out with your kids, just not as you had hoped. Give yourself praise for even the tiny things.

Stampede start day is the soonest repairs will happen based on the 3-5 week range. July 5th is the end of the 3rd week.

Not crazy at all, it was just a really sketchy looking source. Thanks for sharing others.

I can’t find the same news anywhere else so yeah, probably some sketchy nonsense.

Wasn’t 480 the upper limit before? I guess they lowered it when they added restrictions to businesses.

This is what I’m wondering. They skip answering the big questions while focusing on little ones. Hotels use a ton of water and we are relying on the good behaviour of visitors.

I’ve moved to indoor herb gardens. No more outdoor gardening in this wacky province.

You don’t have to take anyone at their word if it sounds ridiculous.

Valid point. You have definitely more faith in city government than I do. Guess we will see what happens.

I want them to stop making it seem like low water use on a Saturday is any indication of water use during the week. It’s empty news. Of course it’s low on a Saturday. They can report the usage but there should be a disclaimer sharing they understand water usage is lowest on weekends, particularly on Saturdays. Just watch, we will be criticized and told to step up by mid week as if we somehow got lazy instead of them understanding that of course it will be up when people are doing laundry so they can go to work and using the dishwasher more as they are living at home and not out of town like many are on the weekends.

Water levels sustainable for a Saturday considering everyone who can goes out of town. I wish they’d stop sharing this deceiving bit of “news”. Let’s cheer when the usage is low all week.

Unfortunately, it just got worse. There were injuries so work has stopped. Now it’s anyone’s guess how long this will go on, and now people are “using too much water” probably because all the laundry and dishes have piled up. Hopefully we don’t run out.

We find out the timeline by ~ June 19 as they said “mid next week”. Still stage 4 restrictions.

I did a test and my navy shower uses about the same as a very shallow bath (the bottom of the tub covered just barely). With the bath, the water temp is controlled and more comfortable than being wet and cold waiting to lather up then turn the shower back on and get initially blasted with cold water. Not everyone has a bath tub but it’s an option if you do for the same water usage.

Luckily I just rotated mine, but only 72 hours worth of drinking water not a week. Not concerned though.

I don’t really understand… what is going on….