also breaking multiple laws doesn’t need to be on the internet. They’re very immature at times.

I’m sorry you went through a rough experience too!’ Hope things as better for you now :)

I had a similar experience. Revenge marathon and was in a boot for 4 months and PT for over a year. I’m still working my way back up for the pace I was running prior to the injury and it’s now been nearly 2 years. Be super careful, use me as a cautionary tale!! Your body needs a break. It was my first injury ever after decades of running and I learned a hard lesson. Be careful :(

The purpose of that group is to make fun of this group. And they think wishing someone well is passive aggressive 🤣 sad group of the pot calling the kettle black. They want to call us out for checks notes doing the EXACT same thing they do. Some of us are actually friends IRL, and they don’t seem to understand that either.

I had to block/report. Human is clearly furious and unhinged and is here to harass and fight.

I do too, simply because I enjoy the freedom of being schedule free.

I think that would be awesome advice for you to follow, as well! I genuinely hope things get better for you. Sincerely.

If it makes someone else happy, whatever, go run streak. I also appreciate learning about other influencers that aren’t terrible and enjoy recommendations.

Hey I get that you may not agree with everything being posted, but it’s pretty obvious that this sub makes you really unhappy. You’re a new account, maybe explore other subs that don’t make you so angry?

Right lol like they’re clearly a new account that was created just to shit on everyone for everything. Hope they find some joy somewhere since they’re clearly lacking :(

I looked through too and noticed the same thing! Maybe it’s a runfluencer that we snarked on and they’re seeking revenge? I hope whatever is troubling them gets worked out, I feel kinda bad that this human has THIS much pent up anger and aggression.

Okay I’m so glad I’m not the only one that noticed this?? Seems they created an account just to come on here and fight people. I hope their world gets a little brighter soon, clearly they’re struggling with some demons.

Absolutely. The only inappropriate comment came from the human attacking in the comment section. Egregiously ridiculous response to a very normal question.

Aggressively inappropriate response, borderline attacking. If you’re posting a photo with a new person, it’s natural to wonder what’s going on/who that new person is.

She will schill pretty much anything they put in front of her. Nike, Puma, Birks, she has zero brand loyalty.

Emily Abbate has a story today about how she’s “geeked” to interview someone tomorrow. She also has a “what are you excited about right now?” box up today. Tell me why my first instinct was to respond with, “I’m excited for you to never use the word ‘geeked’ again”

I would assume your relationship with your professor was likely ruined by you and you alone. You sound insufferable and exhausting. Stop with all the drama! Stop projecting why you think someone doesn’t like you. They don’t like you because you’re arrogant. No professor has time or the desire to engage in the drama that you’re creating by “facing” other students “head on” about these “false rumors”. Honestly it just sounds like you’re an asshole to your peers, classmates, and probably professors, and people don’t seem to want to work with you.

Second therapy and wholeheartedly agree with everything stated here. OP has no idea the purpose of point of a PhD program either if they’re this fixated on grades lol.

You seem really insufferable. I would highly encourage you to work through your issues in a mental health setting. You are the issue here.

Okay, Karen. Go get the manager and be sure to leave a Google and Yelp review, as well.