pretty sure most of that was the cocaine

edit: but i 100% agree with your sentiments

you’re kim possible and the possum is your little naked mole rat friend 🥰

she’s a badass. i hope his psycho cult followers don’t endanger her safety!

it was really satisfying to read this.

i should feel like a bad person for feeling satisfied by that, but nope! reap what you sow, assholes.

😍😍😍😍 i wish we had a photo of the other side of the fence too 👀 lol she’s so cuuute

Hayward is my personal favorite 🐟🌳🌲🛶 takes a good 8 hours to get there from chicago💚 great memories at the Dells, too

i have a chiweenie, but he should still count. His nickname is Slim. like Slim Shady. Also, he is very long and slim lol 🥰 His real name is Remy, but he only hears that when he’s in trouble 🤭

looks like you may have reached his nope-point 😂😍 mine is a really good sport around little kids, but he always gets to his nope-point and then it’s time to have mama carry him and keep him safe from little hands 🥰🥰

no but i would gladly accept one if it was half as cute as kirby lol 😂 🥰😍

nta. if Elise is not in therapy, it may be a good idea. it sounds like she has had some trauma at your brother’s hands and she needs to deal with it while she’s still young

idk if i’m allowed to say this but, chipmunks are even cuter than squirrels imo 🥹😍

i’m so sorry 😞 you were both very lucky to have been able to have each other for as long as you did. she’ll be waiting for you in the sunshine 😢

ps- you’re a beautiful human for adopting a senior and giving her so much love 💕


omg this is one of those things that i didn’t know existed or that i needed, but affirmative to both! checking amazon now…

:Puff3: Hufflepuff

yes i do, wow brain fart 💨🫣

:Puff3: Hufflepuff

felix, hands down. not just harry either, slughorn was hilarious in that whole part too

edited because i’m a dummy

meh, i’d say maybe i went too far, but nothing will happen anyway, other than them somehow getting a statue or a building named after them one day or some shit

i learned the hard way that you can’t put these in a macbook CD-rom slot back in 2007 😓

agree whole heartedly. i’m sorry but a woman under 100 lbs had no business walking two 70+ pound dogs at the same time, especially when they weren’t trained to not attack people and other dogs… i still wish i pressed charges 🤬

and yeah, you’re absolutely right about hitting/kicking them making them worse, but i was legit out walking my decrepit little senior dog one morning before work, and got attacked out of nowhere. i didn’t have the correct reaction and certainly made it worse, but they never were able to bite my baby, so i thought i did ok. in the heat of the moment out of nowhere i wasn’t able to rationally react

they voted for their own short term interests over the country and their future generations, and the people they elected put permanent measures in place so that we can’t undo it. that’s as close to giving permission as it gets, bud.