Med fare for at lyde meget idealistisk, så synes jeg, at din kæreste fortjener at vide sig sikker i, at hun ikke er en, du - forstå mig ret - nøjes med, fordi hun er den sikre løsning i og med, at hun er den, du har nu, og det er for risky at lede efter noget andet. Hun skal vide, at du er sammen med hende, fordi du ville vælge hende alene fremfor en hvilken som helst anden kvinde og muligheden for at få børn. 

Du fortjener også at være med en, som du ikke lader dig nøjes med, men som virkelig er nøjagtig det, du ønsker og leder efter. 

Føler med dig, for det er et skrækkeligt dilemma, men vær ærlig overfor dig selv og overfor hende, I vil jo hinanden det absolut bedste, og det er det rigtige sted at starte.

Just when something exciting was happening…

It’s honestly getting ridiculous at this point 

Wasteful effort from a couple of players. On another day it could’ve been punished. 

In the end we got the three points, and that is what all that matters.

Completely unexpected, but the decision must’ve been extremely difficult, and if he feels it is necessary to stop next summer, it is, even though I will cry my eye balls out when he has had his last match for us. 

Great solution. Salah should obviously have the option to return; if Egypt reaches the final, but coming back to the club to recover, probably gives him the best chance for being fit again ASAP. 


He absolutely is. And as far as I know he doesn’t have a choice. You can’t leave a tournament before it’s conclusion, and even if he did, I don’t think Egypt and the NT would be very happy about it.

In the NFL players will get season long suspensions for reckless and endangering tackles, typically helmet to helmet. I don’t see how Romero’s continuous reckless ‘play’style is any different. He’s careless and it’s only a matter of time until someone’s career will be over because of him.


“extra point is good” - American commentator probably

In the context of the movie that would mean we end up with Schmadtke as our DM, which would definitely make things interesting

Mr. Becker. He will save us points, and at the end of the season, you’ll be able to point to specific situations where he was the difference maker between 3, 1 or 0 points.

Thank you for answering! It makes a lot of sense that many pretend to be Muslim, considering the sacrifices one would have to make to ‘officially’ leave Islam.

I’m glad that things are getting better for you, and amazing that you are able to have some sort of connection to parts of your family.

Hopefully, the younger generation will become wiser, as they grow older, although the influence and damage of radicalization and indoctrination is extremely hard to break free from.

Knowing a couple of former muslims, who are now Christians, I know that they have had to flee their home countries after becoming Christians. Is it the same for anyone, no matter the reason you’ve left Islam?

I can’t imagine what it must be like for you, not being able to return to your home country! I hope you’re okay, all things considered! YNWA

The sunglasses really emphasizes the early retirement/vacation vibe of the transfer as a whole.

Hey Keanu! What movie was the most disappointing for you take part in?