I’m amazed by the audacity, some might say entitlement, of kids telling adults what they should stop doing.

Home Depot doesn’t have the people to deliver let alone install anything they sell.

I’m going to downvote all of you.

Can someone explain why the OP keeps getting downvoted when they reply? Am I missing something?

Well I know for a fact that he is wrong. There are actually six. I’ve flown in two of them.

Where’s the line for the pizza delivery people? It is way more dangerous to deliver pizza than dispatch.

Thanks for sharing. I ordered her book.

If I had the opportunity I’d put an porta-potty in the bed and turn it into an outhouse and charge people $5 to shit on a cyber truck.

What’s unfortunate is that the ethos at Disney is very Trek. Never understood how a lazy WW2 allegory is inline with Disney values. 🤷‍♂️