Same but French. And then when required to take 4 semesters of a foreign language at ASU, I doubled-down and took Americans Sign Language.

I’m now wondering how many people bring weed to a Taylor Swift concert. I mean, it can’t be zero. But I don’t think you’ll get as much out of this as you’re hoping for.

I’ll confirm this when I get there on my 712th rewatch but I seem to remember an inconsistency when David tells her she got an email from her agent he says “Crows Have Eyes 2” but it ends up being 3.

I could be destructively wrong about this but I think I’ve noticed it more than once.

ass like a french teenager

"That's not what people want, Lemon. Least of all, from their televisions. They want their honeys boo boo and their Sunday night feetball, which is the plural of football. Americans don't want to think."

ass like a french teenager

I didn't really "hear" this joke until about a month ago...on my 450th rewatch.

I'm painting a name on my boat and -- as a result --I changed the name to Seaward.

My black nephews got the cops called on them for playing "loudly" in a public playground. I'm sure this will come as a shock, but they happened to be the only 2 black kids there.

ass like a french teenager

That show has low overhead...We pay most of our hosts in white wine.

ass like a french teenager

Made up for Grizz' WorldCom investment.

ass like a french teenager

My therapist canceled my appointment the other day because he broke his arm. I told him that I needed help processing that.

Would have been a helluva time for the service workers of JH to unionize.

ass like a french teenager

I’m guessing a sex toy company wouldn’t have a “family sale” but that still doesn’t help me figure out wtf these things are.