The shoes aren't too bad, but all the gear and ropes to be able to do everything yourself can get expensive. Due to safety issues it's impossible to rent ropes, cams, and things. Some routes require special equipment that can cost $200+ that you may use only a few times in your life. Looking at you trango big bros

Northern MN

I was able to ship an old powerbank home while hiking the PCT last year

West castle danger Rd. to Highway 1 or Lake county Rd 7 is an awesome section that includes Gooseberry, Split Rock, Tettegouche, Bean and Bear lakes (if open), Section 13, Sawmill Dome, and Sawmill bog boardwalk.

The downsides to this section are the gooseberry gap, the high falls bridge is closed, and bean/bear might be closed too.

For your planning, there's a website that lets you input campsites and trailheads and will give you distances if you Google "mike ward sht distance calculator"

Northern MN

Groundhogs are the gold standard stake IMO and sell for about $4.50/$5. It would be hard to steer people away from something that's tried and true vs. a new product that costs the exact same unless it has obviously better features. Good luck!

Northern MN

Are all of the listed clothes extra? What will you be wearing while hiking?

Great recommendations!

I'd also like to add Bean and Bear lake since nobody's said it yet (Super classic, very pretty, a bit longer, but very busy)

Illgen Falls (super short to a nice big waterfall)

Section 13 just north of Tettegouche (steep-ish hike to a nice overlook, also the sawmill creek boardwalk going north on the SHT is pretty too)

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I just bought a KS40. What's the reason you decided to switch to the Wapta? They seem very similar to me. Ty

Tbh I didn't know tumbleweeds were real until I saw one blow across the highway

Hmmm, this may be a dumb question, but did you find the right tank? IIRC from last year there's an obvious big black tank that's NOT it and the actual cache 22 is kind of hidden behind a fence.

Northern MN

Where are you located? If you're in the PNW, go to PCT Trail days in Cascade Locks! There's tons of UL manufacturers and they all have gear you can look at and feel. They also have discounts (sometimes) and raffles! Otherwise, some trail towns like idyllwild, and Julian in SoCal have pretty decent selections of UL gear.

Is there a website that has all the new layouts? I didn't see anything in the patch notes

I agree. 60% of my puffy use was as a pillow, 30% was used around town and at night, and 10% was for hiking last year

You do not need a bear can anywhere south of sequoia national park. The last chance to pick up your bear can is in lone pine over cottonwood pass (mm751).

I'm 6'2 and own both a SMD lunar solo and an xmid 1. I take up the entire width of the xmid and almost the entire length. I have maybe 6 inches to spare on 1 end. If your dog is comfy sleeping at your feet I think it'll be ok, but there won't be any room left.

The Lunar solo's interior is huge and could easily fit both of you and gear if you're ok with touching the inside of the fly. The Lunar solo's interior footprint is about the same size as the xmid interior+1 vestibule footprint.

I switched from the lunar solo to the xmid because I hit my head and feet when I was sleeping in the lunar solo and there is really only 1 spot you can sit up in, but I'm much taller

You can see each player's successful clutches on their HLTV stats page. For example ZywOo has had 3 successful 1v5 clutches with the last being 13 Mar 2021 against Faze. I don't know if there's a more efficient way to search for clutches in general.

Do you have this one? It's should compress just fine. What size backpack do you have?

I hiked mostly by myself last year and I really only stuck with a tramily in NorCal and southern OR. For difficult sections it's super common to ask to tag along and people were always welcoming. Even when I was hiking with a tramily we would spread out while hiking and only meet up for water, lunch and at camp. There were a couple days where we would walk and talk because we wanted to. When joining a tramily they often have a plan for river crossings and where they're going to hitch to/from, so if you decide to join them you kinda gotta go with the flow. Sometimes there are 2 towns at the same crossing, and if you want to go East to town A and they want to go West to town B, then you'll have to decide what's best for you and it's perfectly ok to split up again. There will be hikers that you never see on trail, but you'll bump into each other in almost every town and they become somewhat distant cousins. Good luck have fun!