Fair enough- I don’t necessarily agree that actions films are equally liked by men and women but it’s not a smoking gun, and true crime is certainly liked fairly equally on Reddit etc.

The body of evidence fits John acting alone but with Patsy lying about when he came back to bed to protect him because he’s her husband. The first cop on the scene got that impression from their behaviour, not speaking and John trying to leave the scene, but the sexual nature of the crime and backstory, and then body being missed and then found by John, and then specifically John telling police that he couldn’t remember if the broken window downstairs was already broken or not (John obviously broke the window to indicate someone external but then regretted it as other evidence might not support it so in the end he had to say he couldn’t remember if a window in his house was broken or not, not very likely but fits very well with someone improvising evidence on the spot).

Well you only take in 4 or 6 at once. As far as I’m aware it worked a lot in the past. I’m not condoning it, but I’m curious why everyone doubts it so much.

As I said they write it in pen and then rub it out, and the steward letting them in apparently didn’t care that it was obvious the pen had been rewritten over and over- this was last year. I was offered artists tickets and (I think locals) tickets version of the same thing this year.

I feel happier not having bad friends but I also can’t really remember what socialising was like- it’s about 10-15 years since I had an active social life- I think I enjoyed it tbh but at this point I feel a bit bitter about friends who have dropped me and I have more pride now about not chasing after them.

That might be true, but a scouse lad was selling me £750 tickets to go in on an artists ticket directly to the main stage this year, and my mate got in on a locals extra ticket last time- it’s just a scam that gets run each year in different ways- the tickets don’t have names or photos on them and can be used over and over until someone get suspicious and then they change the gate they are using.

Sorry to explain- the scam is that a lad buys up locals tickets which include 6 free guests, they then use the same free tickets over and over to get potentially 100s in each paying him £500.

Yeah I understand what you mean, I tend to realise after I’ve found a good connection with someone that they are ND too.

Haha, yeah that’s what I said….

I’m sure people are doing ‘spin ins’ from all over the country, but I spoke to a few people this time and last time who were from Liverpool running the scam. Be as offended as you want by that.

Thanks for explaining. It’s true we are ok enough with our own kind….maybe I need to consciously seek out other autists, have you tried this? Or know any ways?

Why is it called the double empathy problem?

I’ve just read about it now on an autism website, I do agree that we just have a different experience of being in the world and the empathy issue is actually more because of that difference in experience rather than a lack of empathy, and the lack of understanding runs both ways.

It’s really interesting to think what Quincy and Rod would have contemplated for an MJ album at that point given Rod’s disco sound was 10 years out of date and the popular styles were so different to their Thriller heyday.

Quincy claims he wanted hip hop on Bad, which MJ did incorporate on Dangerous. He probably also would have been tougher on keeping the track selection shorter and sharper, as you said, which I think ultimately is the only flaw with Dangerous, for me.

I certainly think the Dangerous sessions created the largest number of great songs, because MJ worked with multiple producers and writers and they all came up with good stuff.

Have you seen the various fan made albums on YouTube which play about with this stuff?

My own personal favourite is re-making Invincible- cutting out the sappy stuff and including bangers like Blue Gangsta- comes out as a pretty solid album!


You’d be surprised, the way people sneak in is Scousers mostly buying locals tickets or artists tickets who have 4 or 6 free passes to use for friends- these passes don’t have names or photos on- you just write the name on it (and then rub it out after and keep re- using so same ticket gets 50-100 in, however many they can get)

They use these tickets over and over for first 3 days.

Edit- my friend did this last year and I enquired this year and found several people running the same scam fairly easily.

I was actually advised to use a Scouser as they were less likely to scam you and run off with your money if that offends anyone less lol.

That’s a good point, it must be much closer to 500 than 10,000 as you say!

A few years ago I camped by the fence and my friend said he had a Scouser pop his head into his tent and say ‘got any ice mate? My girlfriend just broke her leg jumping over the fence’, security were on them though, poor girl.


You’re right that the world can accommodate austists better- at school and work for instance…I’ve lost jobs, partly just because people misunderstood me…..but ultimately you can’t expect people to accommodate you in friendships or relationships (to a great degree) as autism means you lack the ability to do these things really….

Im saying this as someone who’s had to deal with this all of my life- most people are kind and do accommodate me but even my friends and relationships have pretty much all dropped me over time due to autism, I can’t really communicate properly in that way and beyond people being friendly and polite there’s not much I can expect since relationships require a back and forth which autists can’t do. You miss out even with accommodations, that’s all I’m saying.

But you’re right, we also need to accept ourselves. My impression is some people manage to meet the right partner and others just get used to a life alone and accept this, but I think it is a struggle always as we are human too and need things which we can’t necessarily get.

Apologies, I was thinking you were saying ‘imagine if Quincy had worked on the album instead of Riley’,

I can certainly imagine Quincy praising those two tracks, they’re two highlights!

That’s interesting to hear- I think it may be much higher than 500 given by their nature security don’t know who is breaking in otherwise they’d stop them.

One of my friends did it last year so I doubt I just by chance spoke to one of only 500 people, and two others on reddit claimed to do it. I had about 5 different numbers for people spinning in using artists tickets over and over etc.

This is a really good question. You’d think his work with Bryan Loren would have suited Quincy more- so Superfly Soul Sister and Work That Body perhaps?

Remember The Time as a tune by Riley was almost completely ready when MJ first heard it, think MJ mostly did the lyrics, so that one wouldn’t have existed in that scenario.

I think Dangerous would have been worse without Riley, Jam and Remember are two of the best of the best songs on the album. But I also think he selected the wrong songs- Someone Put Your Hand Out, For All Time and Blood could have replaced Heal, Gone Too Soon etc.

That could be true, but it’s like saying there’s nothing wrong with only having one arm that works- it’s true, it’s ok, but you’d rather have two. It’s a deficit in a world in which most people have two hands, even if it would be fine in another hypothetical world.

Just based on my experience of trying to break in…there were lots of people selling illicit ways in- using locals and artists tickets over and over or in a van etc.

But you may well be right that they just sell more tickets- on Wikipedia it says they sold 177,000 in 2007 and 210,000 in 2024…..I don’t know when it increased though.

I noticed this 2 years ago too and it was a new experience, people being rude and pushy…it was some scousers that time…I also heard about scousers trying to break in that time too so I don’t know if there are certain fairly lawless people coming in without any manners (?)

Ah ok, so the way people break in now isn’t so much through the fence but using artists and locals tickets (which don’t have a photo or printed name) and then use them over and over etc.

I’d read elsewhere that he remembered her from when she was a child, but who knows.

He also told one of his celeb friends that he wanted to marry his child daughter sometime in the 00s.

Ok so as well as not believing her because she wasn’t his type, you’re sceptical because we don’t know much about her from ex-staff etc.

I think there are many, many more victims than we already know about. We only know much about 10-20 kids, there could easily be closer to 100, it only took one driver to deliver one of the girls mentioned, MJ was even spotted driving in a random boy by security once in his own car.

How much is a macrodose? Was it shrooms? Also was it pleasant?

I tried 2g of shrooms and was fairly unpleasant, no idea if it helped me later but I’m not sure about a bigger dose given it wasn’t that nice at the time.

Sorry it sounds like you’re doubting he abused this girl just purely because it surprises you that he might have wanted to do that.

Yes it is surprising but that doesn’t make it less credible, we don’t really know exactly what turned him on or how he might have wanted to experiment.