It’s Pikachu!

They are well equipped for human rioters. Not so much against what are literally humanoid oozes. That which can flow into and onto them like predatory jell-0.

I don’t think the rebellion ever actually managed to destroy it. It was destroyed because of R2 D2 shenanigans. Forgot what happen to the first one, but the Second, that one, R2 had managed to get smuggled aboard with a strike team, least I think it was? And preprogrammed the starship to ram into the Galaxy Gun

The eclipse was comically massive, because it appeared in comics. The smaller, or in this case, larger hanger base was for heavy frigate sized starships. Mini Star Destroyers like the Victory II

That huge amount of HP let’s her get all the abuse your hands can deal out, and still stall you out with her indomitable stamina.

Rub your entire body in hand sanitizer solution, that stuff tastes nasty. 🤢
Even snakes will stop eating themselves if they have the misfortune of tasting it too.

When you’re making your power buff enchantment potions to supercharge your weapons and armor, make sure you make multiple potions of the same kind. Cause that thirty seconds is gonna wear off fast! And the Slow Time Shout can only stretch it soo far. Save first if it’s your only potion available!

:oldflag: Old World Flag

Is it post-mariposa or pre-mariposa Frank?

Your being abducted by aliens.

It’s Minus8 Aliens,

Stay on Earth or accept your decidedly different fate?

Werewolf souls are claimed by Hircine and Vampires & their variants as well go to Molag Bal, ColdHarbor is a cold hell, and The Hunting Grounds is a Green hell. Which has multiple biomes and all are of a woodsy variety, Dark forests, lush jungles, swampy lowlands. The Hunting grounds are a perfect place where his Lycantropes of all sorts can remain in their beast forms at will with no time limit, and can hunt for their leisure.

The Vampires of ColdHarbour get special privileges from Bal as Jailors for his SoulShriven and no fear of the sun, and all the blood they could ever drink 🥤

After death and their Patron claims their soul, Werewolves get the absolute freedom to live as a beast, and vampires the pleasure of dominating weaklings with the perks of it being a job.

I hope this trend of abstract art making continues!

It’s the wrong sub Reddit to put this comment but it’s one thing that new Vegas did right was allowing you to reload revolvers faster. Once the games came to the more advanced platforms, did revolvers get all clunky and slow.

:oldflag: Old World Flag

Their inventories respawn, and they don’t disappear so you can continue to re-harvest benefits of the dead.

They make a handful of appearances, and some of those are ones where you can fight them. They are repulsive.


A book about the Sload, nasty Sea slug people. They are real, they exist, and they are powerful necromancers and possibly responsible for a wasting disease that made sufferers very very thirsty causing them to overhydrate and drank themselves til they burst and died. This Plague was so horrible and deadly. It caused all the civilizations of Tamriel to eventually unite under the All Flags Navy and besiege their home island of Thras to put a stop to the biological warfare.

And there’s more I can say but that basically a small history of the Sload.

Kid can’t help it. They were born that way.

Now, here’s a reference I didn’t think I’d see. I actually have the monsterBox game on my iPad to pass the time, and then I found WorldBox.

Yeah, shout the slow time shout, enter your menus, and quaff the potion, and enter the enchanter. You better have the enchantments you want in mind so you can go through the menus faster.

If you want to make the most of it, I recommend you find at least two words of the slow time shout to get the most out of it. Or better yet get all three so you can really make an overpowered combination. and give it a good name while you’re at it as well.

Looks like somebody took some inspirations from the Krayt Class gunship, adapted it into Canon modified the appearance somewhat and called it something else.

:oldflag: Old World Flag

Normal vanilla fallout 3, the level cap is like 20.

I have that book too… Still haven’t read it, might go to synopsis about it.

:oldflag: Old World Flag

Is this a case of him saying all ghouls look alike?