bloodborne 2 or PC remaster. I just want to play bloodborne without a PlayStation.

I thought about my dog waiting for me at the door but I never showed. Went straight home and just held him for a good while.

For redmod mine is stuck like this, i see it inside the content folder but im not sure whether it was successful. Any advice?


It helped with depression. I will not elaborate.

Rolling Bois, Metal Gear, and i quote "The asshole wisps"

I think you're okay. But listen, don't worry about it. Sometimes game mechanics will be called Cheesing just because it gives you some control over the boss fight. These things have a purpose in the game, it's up to you in how you use them but more importantly, it's up to you how you want to play. Just enjoy the game your way. It's such an amazing game.

he wasn't an issue in my playthrough. The first time, sure, but I always just ran up to him and slapped him around. It's been said already he helps you get your resurrection back whether it's charging your 2nd one or restoring your first.

Death Stranding. I get it's not for everyone but it's an experience I'd like to go through again like if it was the first time.

☆☆☆☆☆ 0.12

I forget the name of it but the one with the guy testing the new game thing.

my first ever boss that I cheese was Amelia in Bloodborne. idk if the mist counts as cheese but o went that route. If that doesn't count then it was Orphan. I am not good at most games but with determination I practiced the backstab on him til I got stun locked him through phase 1 and bravely made it through phase 2 eventually

Yes because my parents only speak Spanish and I when I was younger we needed a translator and rarely had one so now if I need to, I am always open to translating for others.

oh I don't watch that man. clutches pearls

I don't like it because it sounds like "Latin-Ex". Like, I used to be Latin but now I'm not lol.

I feel like in some ways I can appreciate the help still. I feel like I know how I'm supposed to feel and if it's something bad I can have the time to work out why it makes me feel that way and understand myself a little better. I've been off my meds for a few months. Not by choice, I might be in the minority that prefer to be on them but still I feel like I learned something while I was on them that has kept me going even in some of the harder days.

I never fully got my head wrapped around the lore of the game, are there videos that sums this all up?

Yes, adults are more discreet. But at the end of the day just buy what you like or what you can afford. Don't jump into buying one or the other just because other people have it. It's your money, spend it how you need to.

I see where they're coming from, but they're still wrong.

My first game was Bloodborne and later went on to play DS3, but before all that I had seen people play DeS DS1 and DS3. As a viewer I saw a lot of similar boss designs and on my first playthrough of Bloodborne i recognized the Cleric Beast from some DLC in DS1. Some mini(?) bosses in DS3 we're that fist boss in DeS and DS1.

Playing the games tho, I know it's maye a reskin but each series (and for DS each game in the series) plays a little differently. Has some different lore which is really unique and I grew to love the games.