I always assumed Zestial's power came from a very different place than the others. All we really know about him is he's cautious as all hell, dangerous, and has a spider motif. Personally, I take that to mean he's an information broker of some kind. Ya know, spider at the centre of a vast web. I don't think his threat level comes from how hard he can punch. Pretty sure it comes from what he knows.

Interesting, I've actually had The Long Way Down downloaded and ready to go for a few months now. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. I may move it up the priority list off such a glowing recommendation. ty

Dresden has low key ruined Urban Fantasy for me, yes.

Most of the normal recommendations that get thrown around here are very good imo. (With the exception of Rivers of London, no idea why but I simply could not get into that series. I tried 4 times before I just gave up for good.) But none of them are even close to Dresden for me.

For what it's worth, Dresden is in my top 3 series of all time. The other 2 are Worm (The web Serial by Wildbow) and Super Powereds by Drew Hayes. I've reread each of those 3 literally dozens of times. And I actually think Dresden has the worst world building of the 3. (Though it has many aspects that are far better than the other 2. I honestly couldn't rank them if I tried. Too hard.)

oh man. That's that good stuff. The PREMIUM copium.