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it would be pretty funny if he started tomorrows stream with bingle bingle

:illaoi: TENTAKILL

The specific example of the comment is "limit testing", and Kled is great for that. Getting a sense for how strong you are throughout the game and what fights to take, while champ dependent, is an important skill to have.

Your reasons for why Kled is bad could also be applied to champs that have close calls tied into their kit, champs like: Poppy, Illaoi, Trynd, Mundo, etc.

I didn't say jack shit about video evidence.

I know you're used to information being beamed into your brain with short form content, but reading might be a good change of pace, y'know?


All it took was a google of "1488". Don't be lying now.

I can't speak for all colleges, but my college would pay a lot of engineering companies to come host competitions, have a lot of hiring events, etc. Part of the appeal of going to that college for engineering is that you would have a lot of opportunities to get a job before you even graduated. It's less of an investment firm in the sense of them paying the companies for stock, and more of them paying for them to hire their students.

This isn't to say college's in the US aren't hugely profitable, the dean of students at that same college got paid a disgusting wage while cutting the sciences.

It's kinda inverse in the sciences. I work in the sciences and I've talked to people from many different fields, one of my best paid friends talks about how their job contributes nothing to society but they get paid 100k+ a year while most entry level scientist are barely above minimum wage. You can work on cures for cancer or new diseases and still be paid below most people your age.

This also isn't including the fact that most science based positions in the US have a contract epidemic, where the most positions are temporary.

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hypocrisy isn't an actual reason, unless you think because someone did something awful then everyone who does awful after them gets a free pass.


hmm I wonder who's at fault when one country invades another. could it be the invader? no, of course it's the defender because they didn't roll over and give the invader everything they wanted!

Buddy, every anti-imperialist worth their salt knows the US and NATO have had a bloodlust fetish for invading Asia and destabilizing North Korea in order to exploit their resources. They currently have a $185 billion Mine that the US would love to do nothing more than hijack in order to make lots of money off of.

Cool, I didn't say anything about the US and NATO not doing any of that.

For any socialist that objects to the idea of the most powerful capitalist government in the world dominating other countries that have been under their subjugation for the good part of a century, like the US has been doing with North Korea, then opposing any attempt of the US trying to weasel its way in there seems like a good idea.

Cool, I didn't say the US didn't do any of that.

Putin may not be perfect, but that’s beside the point. He’s currently one of the only forces keeping US influence out of the last remaining continent on the planet that hasn’t been exploited out the yin yang by western powers.

He is an capitalist autocrat, not just far from perfect. You are obviously not a leftist if you are suddenly carrying water a capitalist who directly employs nazis. You are just doing nazi apologia.

You’ve done a really superb job ignoring the fact that Gorbachev only dissolved the USSR back in 1991 under the condition that NATO wouldn’t move a single inch to the east. The only one who broke that deal was the western world. Not Russia. Which goes to show how monumentally dishonest this whole story has been from the western perspective.

Not a NATO fan, but this is an informal agreement. It literally means nothing because it is an informal agreement. Russia literally signed an agreement to:

"Refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the signatories to the memorandum, and undertake that none of their weapons will ever be used against these countries, except in cases of self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations."

This is also ignoring the fact that UKRAINE IS NOT A PART OF NATO.

Your characterization of “Russia killing and untold amount of civilians” is also very misleading. That’s not how war works.

What? That is exactly how war works. This is reality in which civilians always pay when the bombs are dropped. Do you think Russia has magic bombs that only kill combatants?

If Putin’s desire is to do nothing but go into Ukraine, and just temporarily hold it until NATO backs off it, and then does this by going out of his way to only target military personnel

You're obviously either a hardcore Russia fan or someone who's 12, as this is something the US said it would do for Afghanistan, and as we know that worked out really well for the Afghanis, right? As long as an imperialist pinky promises to not occupy the land forever, we should just let them invade, right?

Ukrainian soldiers don’t get to pin the blame on Russian soldiers when they’re the ones hiding in civilian areas in an attempt to get Russian soldiers to target them.

Hey look, I know you're obviously just a Zionist at this point trying to act like a leftist, but you got to be a lot less obvious. This is literally like, word for word Zionists use to excuse the death of Palestinians at the hands of the IDF.

That is outright scumbaggery at its finest and something we can blame those glorious ’freedom fighters’ that you have a fetish for in Azov.

Good job ignoring the fact that I said "Nazi's are bad". You excuse the slaughter of Africans at literal Nazi hands because "Putin's not perfect, but he opposes the US". That's not how this works, the Nazi's don't suddenly become the good guys because they oppose the US, in the same way Azov are not the good guys because they oppose Russia.

who’s invasion was a direct act of self-defense against a military alliance that’s controlled by the most powerful imperialist government in the world.

"Direct act of self-defense" LOL. Do you also think the US had the right to invade Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis because they were being threatened by a military alliance? Of course not, I'd think we as leftists don't give authoritarian oligarchs the benefit of the doubt because they also oppose other imperialists.

Please tell me you aren’t stupid enough to actually think they’re the same thing.

Please tell me you aren't stupid enough to think a country deserves to be bombed because the US supports them. My stance is clear: advancing and bombing civilians to take territory is bad. Both Russia and Israel are clearly doing that. You are excusing imperialism because it's against imperialists you don't like.

And btw, none of that actually explains why arming fucking Nazis is a good thing

It's not, and that's not what's happening currently. By all measures it's a minority both politically and militarily. Unless you are representing an entire country by an extreme minority, and if that's the case you should join the Zionists with that logic.

How can the big bad evil Kremlin be so evil that we take the side of genocidal ideologues?

As it turns out, employing literal Nazi's into Africa to kill civilians and force them to transfer gold mines to Russian assets is not a good thing. And as it turns out, those same Nazis are deployed into Ukraine to kill civilians as well. We both say Nazis are bad, but you excuse and ignore the Russian ones because they oppose the US it seems, so I'm not sure who's taking the side of genocidal ideologues besides you.

Bro I'm not a Vaush fan, never even watched his content but your logic sucks.

Leftists also normally aren’t ok with putting weapons in the hands of Ukrainian neonazis just because they’re up against a traditional enemy of the US government.

This is the same excuse Zionists use against Palestine, unless you suddenly believe that because of extremists in Palestine, Palestinians deserve what's coming to them? Do Palestinians and Ukrainians not have the right to fight back against invading forces because a small portion of them are extremists? Or is it some weird double standard where you think that because Russia is invading and they pinky promised they're doing it to stop nazi's that it's suddenly ok (ignoring the fact they literally deploy neo-nazi PMC groups)? Is that your version of leftism?

They're saying it's a completely unplayable matchup due to how the Highlander effect works. It's less of a balance issue and more of a fun issue. If a deck had access to a card that said "for the rest of the game, your opponents cards can't cost less than (2)", it would be innately good but it would also turn decks like Soyna rogue completely unplayable. Are they technically balanced? Yeah. Are they fun? Not really.

:illaoi: TENTAKILL

I mean one of the reason LoR failed was it was basically the same as other card game but more friendly on the wallet, and they are paying for that greatly.

I play a lot of Hearthstone, and when I heard LoR came out I insta downloaded it because it just combined two games I loved. Although it's "basically the same", the turn system was super strange an unintuitive to someone who's pretty much only played Hearthstone. You'd have spells that were slow, fast, burst, and it lead to a lot of moments saying "wait what?" when thing's didn't really work out how I would have expected.

I'm like 5-2 with it, you have to hard mulligan for Astalor, Flint, or Dreadscale. Dreadscale is basically required if you're vs a swarm hunter deck. The win condition is you Leoroxx into Krush/Plush, and res them with Strangethorn heart until you win.

:illaoi: TENTAKILL

Just saying but Clash does actually have a ranking system where you can promote or demote in tier depending on your placement over multiple clashes. This is also used for matchmaking purposes, so it is effectively rank

The issue is in my experience: trying at all put me and all of my friends (even ones who have never ranked out of silver) into Tier 1 after one set of clash games. You know who else is in Tier 1? People who are challenger, or people smurfing from challenger.

Idk the exact numbers but even if you play with the free clash ticket you still get 1-2 champion skins if you place first or second, which is quite nice, plus if you get first you get reimbursed your ticket.

Also another big issue, the rewards (at least in early clash) didn't actually match what riot said the rewards would be. There's nothing less incentivizing as being told you will early at least a skin, and then being given just like a ward skin and an icon.

The irony of you saying that and then not providing any sources.

:illaoi: TENTAKILL

Technically Zoe bubble's true damage can be amped by shadowflame now.

For your second link, nearly all the censorship is following the national governments' demands

Yes, and the demands are political in nature, ergo they are being used for propaganda.

exactly like all the other platforms do.

I didn't say other platforms don't. You asked for evidence of propaganda and I provided it.

The difference is that all censorship is interpreted to be coming from the CCP on TikTok, because of course everything that happens in China or outside China is controlled by the CCP./s

It's interpreted that way because it the CCP has stated it would be censoring the topics at hand.

In January 2019, the Chinese government said that it would start to hold app developers like ByteDance responsible for user content shared via apps such as Douyin (the name of TikTok in China), and listed 100 types of content that it would censor.

I didn't say everything is controlled by the CCP so I'm not sure why you're saying that. You seem to be arguing with someone who is not me.

:illaoi: TENTAKILL

I mean do you think executes are true damage? Then you missed: Lillia Q, reworked Asol E, K'sante passive, Yone true damage repeat, Zoe true damage repeat, new Draven R execute, Syndra true damage execute on R, Urgot R.

Edit: Also, depending on where you draw the line (I did it at Camille) roughly 1/5 of new champs have had some form of true damage in their kit. I didn't really do the math so please feel free to correct me.