Not the front I guess but how it looks floating from the back

Kinda looks like the droid tanks from Star Wars.

Correct. Didn’t think about that. I was just thinking they could make a way that the entrances facing apart would at least make it take longer to get to one.

I never even noticed the entrances being different though. Immediately found the books at the end of the show.

Well I mean the entrance part could be argued to have a point but then it still doesnt matter much in the grand scheme

They cancelled archery after my class because the school wouldn’t replace the shitty broken equipment. It wasn’t worth it to keep the class going after a shaft shattered and the bulk of it went straight through my finger.

For my next trick, I’ll make myself disappear.

I misread this as you being the class clown and the teacher now being a felon. I was like Jesus what an asshole

Just gave me a flashback here. 7th grade a kid I knew snorted the like rock salt that comes on those big pretzels in the cafeteria. His nose just starts gushing blood and they wanted to punish all like 4-5 of us because this idiot did that and we were there (and obviously laughing at him) when he did it.

This is my exact mindset specifically for milio and lulu. The others as well but them the most.

I thought it was a black woman the whole time

I absolutely agree with you here. But on that note I will say it’s because I wholeheartedly looked forward to every season of letterkenny before shoresy was a thing. If I had started when they both were out I might’ve watched them in tandem or gravitated more towards one of the other. It’s like playing a game for the first time. We got to experience it that way and it was a better experience for it. But I don’t know that a newcomer would feel the same

Just make it a point to ask your mom for the same snacks in front of your sister. Pointedly. And if she rags you about being a good example again you can defend yourself from that dumb point easily for a second time. Nta

As if he was sitting there weighing his options while she had hold of his balls. Insane

Favorite to play:

Zilean. Love hitting a fat Rezz that saves a fight. And just in general being a time terrorist mid-jihad.

Xerath. It feels like shooting fish in a barrel on this map. My actual favorite part is people getting used to my range and progressively getting harder to hit.

Ryze. I build him tank with phase rush. Get in for some damage and get back out but with some sustain and survivability. Works nice when your frontline is only other off tanks or you just need back up for a traditional frontliner. Mana scaling makes you still do a shit ton of damage.

Honorable mentions cause this was hard: Seraphine, Milio, Skarner, Lulu.

Hate playing into:

Mundo is kind of a pain I guess.

A good karthus can make this map feel unplayable, shaco also goes here.

Nidalee and/or ap Kaisa. They just can counter my range on xerath.

Picking champs I hate was kinda hard too. Just can’t think of anything outside of recent games I got stomped in. Had a lux/ahri duo that hard carried their team the other night but that was like a one-off.

“Some consider this action an indication of homosexual tendencies, as some homosexuals of the time period would use adoption as a substitution for marriage.” From his Wikipedia page.

Ok that’s a bit different but still if it’s a concern you have over your children I could see a reason she’d want to be aware. I was under the impression this was about people your wife and children would interact with. That would be playing with fire for sure.

I can see the point you’ve made, but I don’t think most Irish or Scotsmen would like that comparison much. None of the ones I’ve met at the very least.

Kinda playin with fire not telling her don’t you think?

It doesn’t read like she didn’t go back to keep him. She had already gone through with the process to terminate.