To be fair, I rarely see motorcyclists doing that either. When I do, it’s a sphincter puckering thing to witness. However most motorcyclists are not out there doing that, and there’s nothing to make us assume right now that that’s what lead to this fatality today.

It’s a suburb of Richmond. Expect a suburban feel. Don’t kid yourself on the rural thing.

Can confirm, he was there for about 11.5 minutes.

Thought he was going to sit in with butcher brown but that didn’t happen.

Water level is 5.09 ft currently. Not ‘very low’ (3.5 ft is an average low in late summer) but also not high by any means. There is always a warning sign up, for what its worth. Likely someone slipped and fell, but no real way to know right now.

I saw this in the Phish subreddit as well. I’m down to start a grassroots movement to make this become a reality

No idea. I think it’s in one of the band member’s book, ill look for the quote!

To take it a step further, I read somewhere that during one of the acid tests, some dude literally crawled into a big subwoofer enclosure. Might have been the most all encompassing phil bomb ever experienced lol

This sounds kinda cheesy, but I am a bass player and im happy the whole venue gets to experience the low end like I do while on stage, standing directly in front of a bass rig. It frankly feels quite nice to have bass shake your body like that lol. And its not just during a big bomb, it’s the entire show

I like where your heart is at but they do host events other than concerts there. A stage production may be a tad uncomfortable without seats

I’ve never had the opportunity to go up there and it makes me irrationally angry. Like dude it’s a public building, let us go up there

Honestly ends up cheaper than top golf once factoring in drinks and food too

White water rafting with RVA Paddlesports

I recently attended the celebration of life of a person very dear to me. This guy was an absolute ray of light, and loved music and dancing. Per his wishes, the celebration of life was a dance party. I cannot convey in words just how cathartic this dance party was.

You need to look at dates that are farther out. Shit gets booked early

You’ll need an international drivers permit for a scooter on Naxos fyi

Gonna throw Bombino out there as well for some great Tuareg music