Officially a disgusting human being. Pedos like Trump should be castrated.

I happened to be one of the people surveyed. It was heavily titled towards the UCP. They kept asking questions like, “do I approve of the job Nenshi is doing with the Liberal backed NDP”. I laughed at them.

Also, Mang was garbage since signing his big contract! So there’s that!

What do you mean it doesn’t count? Do you think he would’ve been in the flames organization at all if Johnny hadn’t have been here? It’s textbook nepotism.

I was going to say the same thing. This smacks of nepotism, but the flames have a history of it. I mean, we had the Gaudreau brothers, and the Hamilton Brothers.

Cheaper than Mang. Which is crazy.

Ps. Are we finally allowed to say that he’s been absolute dog shit for three years?

But nobody should be surprised. He has a long history of signing terrible contracts. Dude isn’t a winner.

For every Home run, he hits out of the park, he makes two giant flubs. I was thrilled when he decided to abandon the flames GM position. And even happier when I heard he was hired by Toronto. This will ensure at least another decade of no Stanley Cup for the leafs!

I love how all of these MAGA asshats have incorporated the, smile and wave to the invisible supporters, walk.

Honestly, this should be what he is using against the Oilers. “I was -5 in the series, and we still won the cup! Let that sink in Edmonton!”