Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

Looks like you're between a rock and a hard place. Can you just give him a role where he can do the least damage age require the least supervision?

Kudos to you for putting in the work to handle your issues in a healthy way.

She wasn't right to be hurt, but she has a right to feel hurt. There is a difference. The prioblem is how she dealt with those feelings.

You're correct about men and women both being insecure, but there's a reason that it's a stereotype about wives and girlfriends. In general, men aren't as likely to badger their partner about how they really feel after a diplomatic answer has been given.

Who's Anthony?

The dropout YouTube channel posts a lot of single episodes out of their shows as demos for the platform, so that's a good place to check it out for free. Most of Patrick's on screen time is on Breaking News I believe.

I've never heard anyone say that being tall or attractive aren't advantages. Obviously they are. If you're unattractive, that really sucks that you got dealt an unfair hand in life, but it's not a death sentence. You're 17, and the girls in your dating pool are likely just as worried about what their friends think about the guys they date as they are about whether you're actually the kind of person they want to date.

My best advice is to learn how to be happy without a girlfriend. Find hobbies and friends that you enjoy, and just learn to live your life. You're becoming an adult, and if you fall into bitterness now it will be very difficult not to end up bitter in 20 years. Life isn't fair, but no one owes you happiness. You have to make your own.

If you do want to increase your chances of attracting someone, work on your personality. Develop a sense of humor that is based on finding fun in the world rather than based in sarcasm or anger. Learn how to hold a conversation that signals interest in what the other person has to say, and learn to be genuinely interested in finding common ground with people who are different than you.

Even if none of that advice directly leads you to getting a girlfriend, I promise that following it with the intent to improve yourself won't make your life any worse. Good luck man.

The pedestal that people put high IQ onto is honestly ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, it can be a huge advantage in life and open up opportunities that most people don't have, but it's just one aspect of a person. It's the same as idolizing people with incredible athletic talent, or a great singing voice. Those are wonderful things to have, but they don't make you a superior person.

Parents should encourage their children to be well rounded. They should teach them how to work hard at the things which don't come easy to them, as well as how to improve the skills they have a natural talent for. They should teach the importance of building community and support networks, because no one person has all the tools to live a fulfilled and happy life without needing help at some point.

Redditors are herd animals. If a post or comment is at -1, it will get dogpiled into oblivion regardless of content.

Part of me wonders if this is some kind of mental illness awareness astruturfing? Or maybe a new kind of scam where they fish for sympathy DMs and ask for financial help? I don't know, but it's pretty bizarre.

Yeah this is basically a person confessing to felony assault. Just because a guy is scummy it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to him.

It's been covered pretty thoroughly, thanks.

Again, the original comment doesn't preclude taking precautions like leaving the situation. Why do you insist on making the assumption that because they gave advice on one very specific aspect of the situation, that they therefore also meant that there are no other issues to be addressed and nothing else should be done? Stop pretending people mean things they didn't say, you're looking for things to complain about even if you have to make them up.

I totally feel you abut the people "fighting ghosts." The number of times I've gotten downvoted to hell for an opinion I don't have and never expressed, just because someone replied to my comment assuming my very specific point implied my endorsement of something insane... It's happened a lot, to the point I have to double check that I'm not going crazy.

My point is that the nurse's comment doesn't say anywhere that the wife isn't abusive or behaving badly. The comment is telling OP that he needs support he isn't getting, which has nothing to do with gender. Who cares if they were flipped, I don't think that would change anything at all.

So do you go around taking everything people say in the worst possible way, or am I just the lucky winner?

You can win. You win by learning to live without worrying about the judgments of other people. You win by learning what makes you happy instead of trying to make random strangers happy about your choices.

You're getting down votes, but exercising does help raise your metabolism. The reason some people can eat the same things and only one of them gets fat is that everyone has their own basal metabolic rate at which they burn calories.

It's easy to get discouraged about exercising if you spend an hour on a treadmill and it says you burned all of 150 calories. What you're not seeing is that regular exercise doesn't just burn the calories required to complete the movement, it also increases your BMR, allowing you to burn more calories while resting as well. If you have a naturally low BMR, this can be a crucial part of maintaining a healthy weight.

I don't think they're excusing the behavior necessarily, but giving OP some outside perspective on how to make sure he gets the care he needs to recover. They didn't say that lashing out was justified, they said that some people can't handle caring for others, which is demonstrably true here.

Shows if they have a good imagination, a love for stories, cooperative mindset, usually a whimsical side, and the empathetic intelligence to embody a character other than themselves. You can learn a lot about someone by playing D&D with them.