You stated he was released to the US due to threats, but the article makes it clear that you aren’t even in the same ballpark of right.

It LITERALLY states the Biden/Harris negotiated his release to US custody. He

I’m not active duty anymore, also the Navy has multiple activities that are in landlocked states. Millington, TN is where the Navy keeps a shit ton of their records.

I lived right outside mayport after I got off AD. I didn’t really mind the traffic or anything.

There is just something about Nashville drivers. There is a large subsection that drive insanely slow compared to the rest of the traffic, which causes others to drive insanely faster than traffic. And then you have rampant amounts of folks on their phones, running red lights. And driving down bike lanes or using the turn lane to go straight.

I have never seen that shit as often as I see it here.

I do remember the few months a year where the rain is crazy, that’s why I was thankful for a 20-30 minute commute from base. Once I got out and started commuting through downtown I started to understand why some folks hated traffic there.

I suppose it depends on what part. I lived in Jacksonville for 5 years and the only issue I had was the random folks going 30-40 over the speed limit on the highway.

I’ve lived in a lot of different states due to the Navy and TN truly is the worst of the worst in terms of drivers.

I don’t know where the best place to stay is, but I do love the restaurant Etch. It is expensive but the food is insanely good and it is somewhat of an experience.

The comments here are chock full of the cuntiest “well axkshually” losers. Who gives a fuck how many pistons or what the plural of Lego is? Or rather, once you’ve seen that same fucking comment several times, how about come up with something original or just shut the fuck up?

Those are infinitely better examples than Jack the Ripper. Thank you for proving my point for me <3

Not that I disagree with you, but your example is really fucking bad.

You chose theoretically one guy from almost 140 years ago who committed five murders (that isn’t gang rape or sexual assault). Like bruh, come on.

If you zoom in there are red lines in front of the other spots in the photo, they seem irrelevant here.

This post and subreddit were suggested to me by the algorithm, and for some reason I thought this was going to be about why none of the James Bond’s will ever lose.

What the fuck, that movie was awesome.

I finally saw someone get pulled over in Gallatin for running a red light on a left turn.

What other option is there? I hear this critique so often yet no follow up. It’s easy to say both candidates suck, but no one ever offers a fucking solution.

I had a flat plot with a lake behind it, I was responsible for mowing the grass beyond my back fence to the water line. That moderate incline was enough for me to never want to deal with it again.

I think the confusion is that folks assumed you were referring to the same position, not two different ones.

That’s how I feel about my hometown. It is honestly depressing going back home to visit my family.

What’s crazy is I used to visit Nashville multiple times a year, 12 years ago. And now I live here and it is way different.

Look at the major grocers, then look at the parent companies that own them, then look at all the other brands those parent companies own.

People like to talk about competition so much, but we’ve been watching the concept get bought away over the past 100 years.

Info dump gang. Me too buddy, and she is such a great listener, even tries to stay awake while I am gabbing.