This fucking hits the mark. As a modpack dev, I've seen so many packs with either no changes or configuration. Duplicate items and recipes. Have consideration to the player base like "Could they run this modpack smoothly?", "Would the players know what to do/Is there a guide if they're new?"

Like that one viral video, "Minecraft Unlimited" by HazadousDaniel. Your modpack requires 10GB+ to run (at 150 mods), so many pointless biomes, nothing is changed or configured, and there is no cohesion in your modpack. You could've made it in a day and promoted it right after. And the viewers and newcomers are like "OMG this is the best modpack ever!! This is my dream modpack" no the fuck it aint.

Have you tested this and confirmed this works? I'm not trying to sound condescending, but did right clicking a Basin with honey, return a bottle of honey, and deduct 250mB from the basin?

I can input a custom bottled fluid into the basin and dump 260mB of that fluid, but I can't take it out of the Basin. I believe this came from the Create's draining recipes.

Create's Basin Fluid Item Interaction - KubeJS/CrafttweakerQuestion

I need help creating an interaction between Create's Basin to output a custom item when interacted with a specific item.

For instance, a Basin has 1000mB of Milk (1 Milk Bucket). If you were to right click that basin with a glass bottle, it would remove 250mB and replace your glass bottle with a Milk Bottle (Neapolitan).

This won't work with Honey either. From what I've seen, water is the only thing that works, probably because Create made it potion-excusive. I could be missing something, but anyways, I'm using both Crafttweaker and KubeJS in my modpack for different things so any help through either one of those mods would be greatly appreciated. If I had to guess, it has something to do with the NBT of the Basin itself but I don't know how to read the NBT of a block that isn't in your inventory. Any help is greatly appreciated.


The more North you get, the harder the fights will be. By going East, you'll come across the Stonegarden and Blackpits. There are 7 source masters, and since you fought Mordus, you'll only need to find one more. If you find someone named Jahan, I recommend you take his offer after getting your 3rd source point. Glhf.

Edit: For more info, you can pick and choose where you can get your source from as each source master will have a "catch" or objective. Some offers are morally wrong, but it's up to you to decide to take up on their offer.

No, at least not that I know of. Best answer is to right click the target for info. The higher your loremaster, the more information you can get.

What kind of hud and reload animation is that?

Hi! Deli worker here. Oftentimes, when cutting a block of Swiss cheese, depending on the topography, the first X amount of cuts may have little to no holes. I've once had an old lady return fresh cut slices of Swiss cheese because it didn't have any holes despite... it's was still Swiss cheese.

Me, a Morales main with 1000+ games .-.

For me, half the fun is going ship and zooming all over the place. The other half is providing strong and consistent heals.

Nice to see I'm not the only one. I'm having trouble sharing screenshots in comments, but in an ARAM game, he sent something similar after the match. He doesn't accept DMs from people who aren't friends with him, so it's just a one-sided conversation for him.

Context: I was tank, I press J (taunt) instead of H (staying still to body block) by accident, and this provokes him to taunt after every kill but the unfortunate thing was, we won with no contest.

"[Grimworks] whispers: Hahah sorry i had to face fuck you into the dirt while carrying 2 ai but you are way too mediocre to try and stand with me. Keep trying to get good little man! #noucant That was one amateur asf pre-made

To [Grimworks]: dude istg i didn't even mean to taunt the first time"

After the first taunt, I just went along and kept taunting after every kill to provoke him more. Plus, he says he has AI teammates, but at the end of the match, the game can tell who you didn't reconnect, so he's either lying about AI teammates or they reconnected after.

Delicatessen 🧀

I personally like Grasshopper. It's Mint Cookies n' Cream.

Garrosh tips:

  • Use Garrosh's Taunt on melee heroes and just walk to your team. They'll follow you just like a Dehaka Q.

  • If you're playing Towers of Doom, and top objectives are open, split the enemy team by throwing them over the wall to your top fort. If the cannons and gate are still up, they're forced to hearth or just die if they don't have an escape, and you can fight with one enemy less.

  • With Taunt, to complement your your EQ combo, as you use your E, taunt the enemy just as they're above your head, then Q. This is very useful if the enemy has some quick escape like a Brightwing blink because they won't have time to escape.

  • Into The Fray can be used to cleanse, not just to reposition. Can be used to counter Stitches's hook if Garrosh is constantly hovering over their teammate.

Delicatessen 🧀

Wait, you guys are getting sex?

Delicatessen 🧀

Personally, for me, it's not so much of rude customers that's the issue but the expectations of the job. If this was a restaurant, I am the waiter, the "cook," and the dishwasher (cleaning after every order). And if there is a line of customers, I have to make sacrifices and leave the unwrapped products out, and only when the line dies then I am to clean. The mixture of OCD and having everything running in tip top order is difficult to juggle. I am not going to rush my job, but I'm not going to half-ass it either. Then the cherry on top is customers think they're being ignored when everyone is all hands on deck. They're gonna have to wait for this one person that wanted 7 different products.

Delicatessen 🧀

Not to compete with anyone but the worst order was 1.5lb-2lb (I just remembered it was more than a pound) shaved of Bianco D'Oro Italian Dry Salame. I lost count after 700 cuts. Like whyyyy oooo the agony :(

After the Pornhub purged the majority of their content, I felt the same too. That and any other videos that they keep deleting/removed. I kept a long list of URLs, and every so often they turned dead.

Happy Cake Day and Merry Christmas!


Hold left Alt for most of the game. Left control allows you to manually attack things outside of combat. Tilde key ~ highlights NPCs and whether they're friendly, enemy, or neutral. If you hit neutral enemies, they can be provoked to be your enemy.

Mark items for wares to sell them quicker by holding left shift + M1 on the item in your inventory. To increase the attitude towards a vendor, give them free money/loot. Once their attitude is at 100, sell all your gear for maximum yield.

Have each person specialized in a specific civil skill. The face of the party focuses on persuasion. Everyone else can focus on thievery, loremaster, etc.

If you're ever worried about missing a point and click skill, click the portrait on the left or the turn order at the top.

If you want to maximize pre-buffs, jump into a dialogue with another character. Dialogues will freeze the turns for buffs (and debuffs).

You can romance the origin characters if you want. I recommend that you do. :)