She plays a character named Beandip on comedy bang bang and she uses the voice sometimes and it’s so ridiculous

I hope 37 isn’t too old! I just turned it! Zion definitely woke up my wanderlust but thankfully my uncle asked me to go on a trip there when I was younger. Now I work for the NPS and am glad to do it. Started when I was 34

I can’t remember when stopped crating our girl but she maybe 6 months. We had her in the kitchen with a baby gate to partition her from the other part of the house. She only chewed up something once but she did really well otherwise

Did you teach it another commands aside from sit?

Could be Richard? Could be my dog? That’s the mystery

Go for plumbing. I just got a help desk IT job but I didn’t have a degree. If I hadn’t gotten this I would’ve went to electrical school or the likes.

I’m also a decade older than you but if I was your age and my dad was a plumber I’d easily go that route.

I just lucked out with getting the entry level IT position

It shouldn’t be too hard to get a seasonal position. It’s harder to get a permanent if that’s what you want at some point. That’s because there are fewer jobs available but still possible

The main thing is getting past HR. When you apply through usajobs you’ll complete a questionnaire and I’d recommend giving yourself more credit on experience than you may think. And make sure your resume reflects what is on the job description.

Honestly my recommendation is just get a seasonal position at first. A lot of people do that to park hop. A lot of parks don’t have housing for permanent employees but they do for seasonals.

I’m at a major park in the east and housing is scarce and not affordable for certain positions.

As far as hiring non-competitive vs others go to usajobs and maybe OPM to find info on the different hiring authorities. There’s a ton of

I think most are LEO positions and other ones that normally have a higher clearance that test

Someone I took a picture for at a botanical garden told me I had an interesting accent which I thought was weird. I thought I had more of a straight accent but my dad is from Maine and I was raised in Florida so maybe I do?

Mine looked like that for a while and then started to reallly fill out

I thought this was something about a new Gilligan’s Island for a sec lol

So my friend (I’ll call him X) and I used to cover concerts as in write blurbs and take photos for a small online publication. We were covering Off! Negative Approach and Double Negative. I was taking photos and he was going to write about it.

When Off! (or Negative Approach) were playing I was up front getting pics from different angles and yada yada. When they were done I checked my phone and my friend had texted me saying he was outside so I go out to find him.

He was standing on the edge of the pit and some old dude came by and punched him in the face. Now X is not small and was training for BJJ too. The guy comes back around and took another swing but X extended his arm and poked the guy in the eye on purpose. He said he felt at least two digits go into the dudes eye lmao

Ngl I didn’t get an inspection for 6 months after I registered my vehicle. I was lucky and didn’t get pulled over. I moved from a state that doesn't have inspections either but they didn't say anything when I got registered so how would i know?

Tofurkey vegan mayo mustard banana peppers and lettuce

It took me longer to get out of Florida but I’m glad I did for the same reason. I moved to Colorado for work and now Maine (my dad lives in Maine at least but my mom and my spouses family still lives in Florida). I’d probably move out of Maine at some point but I love the cold after being in Florida for too long

“Go back to Russia” Barney Gumble after reading that