My kitties cood go if dey wanted. But dey don't wanna.

My mommy makez my fud. It haz beefses and libber and 🥕 and spinach and lentils ans sweetie taters!

Whaaaat? Kitty goez to the out of sides whenebber he wwantz? My kitties don't nebber to go there! I will telling Mommy we can put dem out dere! Yay! Kitty free sankchewairy!

Yor kitty go for walkz??? Yor kitty is a doggo?

Mine eat all da foodz outta dere own food bolez and don't leave me any! Dey don't share deir treatsez or snackiez! Dey steal my snuzzles and scrithchez from Mommy too! Dey are crimnalz!- Sif


You is doing da mos important ting... a protecc!

NTC. Cat's gotta do what a cat's gotta do! - Fizzgig

Plus I do borks at da hooman robberz.

But da kitties is always robberizing me!

Actually, I'm technically GenX, born 1971, but most stuff on here is still relevant to me.

Hehehe... Mai am sometimez making the super quiet growlings back at dem!


When I was 4, we got a white cat. He was 'my' first pet. I was trying to decide on a name... everyone kept suggesting stuff like Snowball and Popcorn, standard stuff for a white cat. I got annoyed because all the suggestions were so... trite. Even at 4yo I hated being like everybody else, so I named him Pretzels. Because the salt onpretzels is white. I really thought I had zinged the hell out of all of them!

EDIT: I've also had a cat named Evil (she really earned it), void named Ebonezer (Ebon for short), a cat named Puffin because she farted all the time, and a cat named Odd (Dean Koontz reference).

Had a friend with a dog named Diogi. Pronounced d-o-g

My husband's mother grew up with a cat named the N word. Classy. NOT.

Hell yeah! It takes strength to make a stand and be your real self!