Damn if I didn't get the pet already at 17kc I'd do this just for the nostalgia. I tried so many times back in the day but could never get it

I'm so glad my gym doesn't allowing recording or any of that crap

While yes people do matter. Life in the rural areas of California is completely different than those living in the big cities. You think 100 people making computers should be able to make all the laws the affect 10 farmers? The lifestyles and needs are completely different between the two.

The electoral college keeps the big cities from ruling the rural areas. You know why California is always blue? Because LA, SF, Sacramento and San Diego decide the election. Literally 10% of the land mass of the state decides for the whole state. (number are not accurate, just generalizations) I'm not saying its a perfect system but 100% popular vote isn't either

My wife was obsessed with the sound my ball sack would make if we dropped it into her hand. Shit was hilarious

Summers are hot and avoid Oval Park area. Other than that it's a nice place to live. If you like the outdoors you have plenty of options for mountains or beaches within 1-3 hours of driving.

I surprised how far I scrolled to find this response. I've been with my wife for 9 years now. I do not cater to her any differently because she is on her period. I'm not saying I don't feel sympathetic for her but overall she doesn't get to use it as an excuse for her behavior

I'm actually started to do glass and window work on the side of my main job because this is such a common thing. I've been in the industry my entire life and my parents actually ran a business in our area for 30 years. But once they retired, all of his old customer are all complaining about the other glass shops around either taking forever or just not giving prices. It started as joke, me saying oh I'll do it because no one else will. That was a month ago and I have about $4000 in jobs lined up already...

I was to young when my parents retired and not in the place to take over their company and I also never really planned on starting my own thing...but here I am. The work isn't hard and it's easy money with my experience in it. My day job is B2B sales in the glass industry and I've noticed a lot of businesses go after the 1 job they can make $3000 on instead of the 5 $800 jobs. Notice the smaller jobs actually make you more.... you just have to do more of them but they usually also take let time

It's very common for people not to know how to read a tape measure. I learned at a young age but my parent's also owned a business in the trades so reading a tape measure was such a common experience. So common that "cheater" tape measures with the lines actually labeled with 1/8, 1/4 etc. are actually harder for me to read because I know how to read the lines.

I used to work for my parents and they hired a new guy. He made it 2 months before we realized he couldn't ready a tape measure. I mean if he measure it and cut something he would be correct every time. But he was measuring things as 31 and 2 lines, not 31 1/8". I mean it worked until one day we had a bigger crew and had 2 people measure the opening and 2 people cutting for the opening. He was like why don't we just each measure and cut our own. That's when we figured it out. Was hilarious and we never let him live it down after that. His measurements were always right as long as he did the whole process himself

You are definitely not an “ok” cauliflower4046 with that reaction and attitude

To be completely honest....everyone at that level is guilty of some crime that put normal people in jail in a second

Yea my Wife's libido took a hit on that stuff. She's slowly working herself off of it right now

That's because a full days work in their day is like 1/4's of a days work now that so many things are computerized.

Haha I'm from California and while sympathize with the temperature differences and people's different levels of acclimation to their whether these posts really make me laugh at temperatures. I keep my house AC at 25C. It's supposed to be over 45C for the next week straight at my house and likely over 38C for the next 2 months

Since you already to Automotive tech stuff for your day job I would suggest avoiding that as a side gig. You'll burn yourself out. Getting a CNC mill or plasma cutter would go with started a wedding service. You can make some decent side money doing that and create your own schedule. Start by telling people you know and try to grow it slow and organic at first.

Personally, I've started doing glass & window work on the side. My dad ran a successful business in this industry for 30 years and I wasn't in the place to take over when he retired. So his foreman at the time decided to try and start his own using a lot of the contractor contacts that he gained working for my dad. Well, it's been a few years and while the guy does do a little work, he's never gotten his Glazing Contractors License and is actually blowing a lot of those contacts off by not ever answering his phone. I started out joking that I would do some of those jobs because I know the same people. What started as a joke literally last month has turned into about $4k (profit) in work already because I answer my damn phone. My day job is for a larger glass shop in the area but I do wholesale sales to all of the glass shops in the region which makes it easy for me to sprinkle in side jobs during my days. So while my day job is in the same industry it not the actual physical work I do on the side and my niche is doing the smaller jobs a lot of the shops don't want to touch because it isn't worth their time or will put it off for months to complete

That's still not a real living wage in California

It's also common for people to split a cow into quarters or halves. 4 people chip in and they each get 1/4 of the meet for example.

The "just know a farmer" really does depend on location. I live in the Central Valley of California. Thousands of farmers here and easier to find one selling beef than you'd think

The meat stays good for a long time if it's wrapped correctly and frozen. My parents buy 1/4 or 1/2 a cow once a year or so. Yes, you do get a mix of cuts and ground beef but the last one they paid $5.50/lb. Is that a little pricey for ground beef? Maybe. Is it cheap for the roasts, steaks and brisket they get? Absolutely.

My wife worked a family and had of these same things happen. They had enough money to where they were out of touch with paying bills. The husband was really good about it because he grew up in a struggling family. The wife however, was the rich farmers daughter type and that’s who my wife dealt with most of the time. Late to pay, promised raises, would fight about mileage. It all blew up in the end my wife just quit on the spot one day when she reached her breaking point.

So my advice. Find another family to nanny for