If they want to test the limits of their server mesh they need to ensure that enough people push against the limits of that technology, so from that perspective having more testers seems reasonable.

Furthermore having more people test the game means more data collection and more feedback which they can use to better outline what needs further improvement.

That being said: Having Alpha2 keys without the formerly big price tag may change who is actually going to join the test. People with no particular interest in the games mechnanics may decide to give the game a whirl because "its just 30-40 bucks to test", leading to people who are actually not the target audience to join and provide feedback, just to be part of the hype for a bit.

why men in question asign this trait to women only

Well, women evaluate men in that way too. They say "he is boring".

Maybe there is another way men say this about other men? "A loser" maybe, because he takes no actions and when he does the outcomes aren't worth mentioning?

I don't know if there is some kind of lingo for how women would say this about another woman. I got no insight there.

But now you know why is didn't cover it: I'm just not very aure about it 😄

I dont know, but since you claimed this is donation based and the founder "yaps" that so far he has put in 45 mio USD, there is an actual company, with an actually built building and paid staff, I presume you will let me know why it is Sharif who is yapping without prove and not you, right?

The image that google brought looked to me like this is just an imitation of something seen in a show or porn tbh, looks very stereotypical and not very appealing at all. But I'm not sure how broadly known or popular this is, I haven't seen any girl or woman in public like that (though I'm in Europe). So might just be a short lived trend on the fringe.

If I like her romantically - start a relationship.

If I don't feel that way for her - tell her I'm not into her like that.

First time I hear about this tbh.

  • Googled it, it's some TikTok trend.

Save & invest it, probably move to another country that is better than the one I'm in right now.

I kiss and I lick. Moaning and groaning too, but definitely not loud enough to let the whole block know.

That people owe person A something because person As values & principles say so, even though these values/principles are not shared in any way.

I'm not into dirty talk in general, but igerman doesn't make it sound any sexier for sure XD

That little one is standing on her spine

This checks out with the maps of the Prussian Kingdom (Preußen) that were made in the late 1890s. I don't think this map is necessarily wrong. Furthermore, there was a large scale expulsion of Germans) from exactly these territories after WW2 which could only be the case if they were there before.

Never, it was decided/discovered that we do better apart than together, so that is what I am sticking to.

  • What do I want?
  • Does me ignoring that thing or confronting it increase my chances of getting what I want?

If the outcomes by confronting it are more likely in line with my goals, I will. If it turns out that the outcomes don't really impact what I want at all, I concern myself with things that are more important to my goals.

Personally I prefer "cute" though thats a term everyone defines differently. "Hot" just seems like a synonym for "inducing primarily sexual desire" - and since what I am looking for is not someone to just have sex with, that's not my primary focus.

Illegal Wars - a book about NATOs illegal activities in the past decades. There are similar books about other global powers, I just dig this kind of history stuff.

I don't quite follow - "for our company"? You mean that as "for me and my partner looking for a third person" or like "as part of a business making this survey"?

Something tells me this was not in the movie.

Both, none, nice, very kinky, young, old, into the same thing you are into, rich, etc

Why make people choose between two when there are more options?

Exactly, just buying clothes regularly is not a hobby but if the definition would make it such the definition is not accurate enough, which is why I said that there is more to something being a hobby

Yet it would meet the definition of "regular activity during free time", which is my point: that may be a bit too broad of a definition to actually hit the spot about what a hobby is.