He drafted Marcus Smart, Terry Rozier, and Jalen Brown in Successive years and then I. The fourth year, he traded the #1 overall pick to Philly for their 3rd puck pick and a future first so that Philly could draft Markelle Fultz and Ainge got Jayson Tatum. I don’t think you could name another GM who had a 4 year run like that.

At the end of the day, he’s trying to extract the most value possible for Laurie, and why not? That’s his job.

Yeah it usually starts a day or two before… I’m sure they will still go off. But definitely unusually quiet right now.

It would be higher but they had two years without Klay due to injury

Kruk & Kuip

His post season heroics could only be compared to Curt Schilling… who did not make the hall.

When Obama pardoned 100 non violent drug offenders who had sentences that were decades long, that was not dodgy is was righting a wrong.

In addition, Hilo is even more difficult than most places IMO because most people there have roots there that go back many generations. It’s not like Kona, Maui, or Oahu where they are used to people coming in and setting down roots. Hilo is not a “sexy” Hawaiian destination it’s very wet and there aren’t many beaches, so people tend to overlook it.

  1. Not losing 5 minutes a night to Bronny, after his dad’s new contract requires that his son gets minutes.

Both players are Defense first players, clearly there is a plan to address the defensive side of the ball as the number 1 priority, and We definitely got better defensively with these two guys. Worst case scenario Anderson is the type of guy that fits on any contender and could net us a draft pick at the trade deadline or next offseason. The only reason Minny didn’t keep him is they are in a serious salary cap crunch

Everyone who doesn’t read this should be banned from commenting on off season moves.

Offsides only happens if the opposition’s girlfriend files a formal complaint against you.

Here’s an idea, since it’s so important that Trump loses, since the fate of our Freedom is allegedly riding on this election, the why the F can’t Democrats put someone upright who al an talk in complete Sentences to run against Trump? Part of me thinks we deserve full implosion at this point if this is the best we can do when we know all the marbles are on the line.

How are you getting downvoted for this? As if you could be the defensive anchor of a dynasty and be mentally weak? I’d love to hear about the incredible mental fortitude of these haters.

Read the actual article they are citing… it NEVER said that! They said “some combination, but not all of…” and then just named all those guys. It reads like pure speculation.

The same reason the warriors downgraded in a sign and trade where we traded Durant for D-Lo. If PG committed to leaving no matter what, then the Clippers would have no leverage and would rather take something instead of nothing. Apparently PG left the door open for the clippers to possibly work something out, so the trade didn’t happen.

“Some combination of, but definitely not all…” then names everyone aside from Steph and Dray. Sounds like grade A uninformed bullshit. If Kuminga was on the table the clips would have pulled the trigger in a heartbeat.

Nobody has reported that they offered JK. Fans just keep assuming this. For all we know that was the sticking point that didn’t get the deal done.

This analogy actually works on a lot of levels🤣 Steph is water- you can’t live without him

Dray is clearly the lemons- sour as hell by himself, but makes everything around him better when you add him

Klay is sugar with that sweet sweet stroke.

They must think a trade is close if they are doing this. Especially since they have never stopped anyone from Playing in the Olympics in the past.

I was low key very interested to see how Team Canada would preform Shai, Wiggins, Dort, etc. they got a solide group.

Yes, yes, there were many premeditated moves. The idea that he magically had the cap space is laughable. After they won their first championship Harrison Barnes was eligible for an extension. At that time he was a young solid player that had a lot of upside and was part of the starting 5 that won a chip. Myers specifically chose not to extend him knowing KD was gonna be Available the next year. Same with Bogut, who was going into a walk year and was a huge part of what they did to win.

Thats all putting aside the fact that he made sure the team had the best of everything from trainers to, food, to travel arrangements, etc to make it a place that would be as attractive as possible for the existing players and potential free agents. You act as though keeping their core 3 and coach together for 10 years is not an accomplishment, but very hard to keep hall of famers together through success in the NBA… see Phil and the Bulls, Shaq and Kobe, Kobe and Phil, Lebron and anyone he’s ever played with/for.

If you wanna argue Ainge is a better GM, you could make that argument, but Myers is certainly in the conversation for the best of his era and without a doubt top 3.

“I’d still take him over… “ is exactly how we wound up with these two again!