I was just thinking the only person I would do this for would be my sister, but for our mother’s funeral. She would find it hilarious and it would lighten the mood of an otherwise awful time. We’ve always joked about how our mom is full of secrets.

I’ve noticed my Target on the weekends is very different than on the weekdays. Weekends are crowded and casual while the weekdays seem to be when the wealthy stay at home moms show up to be passive aggressive with each other. Better have your Lululemon on.

I still love it for the music and the 90s ness of it all.

I love the cats. For my new place I bought prints of cats in Van Gogh paintings for my bathroom.

“Just show up everyday” was his go to advice on success

I worked in that building for about 6 years for two different oil and gas companies

I quote this all the time and no one has a clue what I’m talking about or why I’m speaking in a New Zealand accent.

“But I like the stairs” my young coworkers never understood why I said this when I would get winded on the staircase.

My cat likes getting brushed so much that it makes me mildly uncomfortable.

Yea, I’m a mom and I still don’t like holding other people’s new borns. Three or four months old, hand’em over then.

I worked for a large bank and started with a brand new team three years ago. Three years they grew our team and just when we’re all clicking a doing awesome, they decided they want to exit that market. My last day was Friday and now I’m left wondering what to do next.

I should have watched this after my disappointing job interview yesterday. Works just fine today, but I could have used it extra right after.

It kind of reminds me of one of the robots from WALL-E

I feel this picture. So many days you just can’t, but you do it anyway.

I too am slowly stealing my neighbors cat. He hangs out near my kitchen window waiting for me to come out and give him attention.

Oh wow! I never thought of that happening. I put stuff on the curb for free all the time. I know my “King of the HOA” neighbor probably hates it, but the stuff is always gone before anyone can formally complain.

Or, you wait until a kid says they’re bored.

I forgot how rough Charlie Horse looked