Some years ago, I was at a friend's home when the vet arrived to put their cat down.

My friend gently held the cat while the vet administered the drug. The cat didn't even flinch and as the drug took effect, the light just went out of its' eyes.

It was a very peaceful and loving process. Both sad and kind.

Was the children's father not available to care for his own children?

No, I didn't. Didn't miss the hypocrisy either.

By the way, do you think they sanitise their hands every time they touch the dog? Do you think they make the dog sanitise it's mouth every time it licks its' butt and before it licks the baby's face? Do you think they sanitise the floors everytime the dogs walks across them after coming inside with its' poop smeared paws? Because, I'm sure the same rules have to apply at home as those that apply when visiting relatives.

I would add - colour and texture

The number of rooms which are grey on grey with a touch of black!

The dog is licking the infant....hydatids, tape worm, round worms, hook worms, pasteurella, salmonella, brucella. Need I go on because there are a lot more diseases which dogs can pass on to humans?

You are an adult. You can decide what agreements you will enter into or not. I'm guessing you haven't signed a contract here.

So, you can choose to be totally responsible for your own health and eating habits.

I'm guessing that your mother, out of concern for your future, has been trying to help you however, she is not in control and not responsible for your choices.

All you have to do is let your mother know that you are going to be in charge of your food choices from now on...and the consequences of those choices.

When I see the line "I'm too tired...." line, I usually translate that as "I can't be bothered...."

So, did you contact CPS and have they already conducted an investigation at your instigation?

Do you have insurance? If so, why not claim through your company and have them chase him for costs? I understand that you may have an 'excess' on your policy but, if it isn't prohibitive, would that be the easier route to take?

Added to the above suggestions, all the department stores have free toilets along with museums and hotel lobbies.

Where you could, I would line them up with the tear. The adhesive on the interfacing should attach to them. Some of the threads may be too long as they will have been pulled a little when your dog scratched at them and you may need to clip some of them to length.c I'd then hand sew over them to ensure that they are attached to the interfacing.

If the sofa cushion covers can be removed (have a zip), you can take them off, iron on a heavy duty dark grey interfacing to the underside of the tear and then hand stitch it in place for extra support.

Your husband possibly had an in 'vino veritas' moment.

The sad reality is that your health issues have put a lot of strain on both of you. I'm sure he has been there for you throughout this time but, it is important to understand the toll it can take on a marriage and everyone affected by an extended period of ill health. He accidentally let you know that.

You and your husband are still together and still have a bond so, you have a lot to build on.

This post has come up before....someone has simply changed the industry.

It's fake rage bait.

You've heard the phrase "wake up and smell the coffee"?

You know that it was your husband who betrayed you.

You may not be ready to fully face that yet and for his own selfish reasons, your husband certainly doesn't want you to realise that. He wants to just get past this as soon as possible, sweep everything under the carpet and go back to his comfy family arrangement. Keeping you 'quiet' will be part of his strategy.

The other woman is not to blame for 'your anger and hurt'. She had a role in it but...your husband is to blame for your anger and hurt.

I don't understand your fake naivity?

It seems extremely unlikely that you have made it this far in life without knowing how to adjust your behavior according to the situation.

Metro Line 14 linking Orly to central Paris is due to open in late June. If it is open by the time you arrive, you could take that to the Chatelet metro station which has an RER B connection. The RER B line links Paris to CDG airport.

To be really you think that bringing children into this relationship is a good idea? The relationship seems to be tenuous at best and children would put an enormous strain on both of you.

When you discovered the illegal connection, did you speak to your neighbours and ask them to rectify the situation?

Rome is an open air museum. Everywhere you walk, you will be living and breathing the history of Rome. The architecture alone spanning more than two thousand years is worth seeing.

Do some research (Google) and come up with a few walking tours. Most churches are also free to enter.

Don't you just love it when people getting married have a list of 'demands' for their guests?