Totally. I want to be their friend.

Also born in '77- high school in the early nineties.

Here's my take- Grunge is a fake term invented by journalists. There wasn't really a lot in common, musically, between all of the rock bands that ended up being lumped together under that term. Even multiple albums from the same bands didn't sound all that similar... Compare STP's "Core" and "Purple" if you don't believe me.

Soundgarden didn't sound like Pearl Jam, who didn't sound like Mudhoney, who didn't sound like AIC, who didn't sound like Nirvana, who didn't sound like Screaming Trees. What they had in common was that they were mostly born in the late sixties and were influenced by the music they heard growing up in the seventies. Kurt Cobain liked punk and art rock, and McReady/Vedder liked Zeppelin and Neil Young.

Biomechanics are different in lots of people. Ever watched people run? Your body does this thing this way.

Who cares why he doesn't like it? You share living space so you should collaborate on the art that gets hung in shared spaces.

I can reject these all day and still keep above 65%

ADHD self help books are inexorably ironic.

Maybe she can open for the Black Keys

Oh shit that's possible? I'm at 18 years on mine

Noah Kahan - "Call Your Mom" and "Your Needs, My Needs"

Colin Hay - " I Just Don't think I'll Ever Get Over You"

Right at this moment, with my marriage dissolving, "Ceilings" by Lizzy MacAlpine is hurting my feels in a wistful kind of way.

I buzzcut my hair and face with the same number guard around once every two months. Low maintenance. If I didn't brush my teeth in front of a mirror I'd forget what I look like.

60 watt 2x12 Marshall JTM60 with a Mercury Magnetics transformer upgrade. My only pedal is a channel selector.

Super tight. Your right foot is locked in right with the bass. All the accents are hitting the grid.